In Reality

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Hisui pov: Kohaku began to unsheath her blade, and Akiha began to go into vermillion mode. About halfway through, the mecha version of myself entered battle mode.

"Hisui-chan, stand back!!" Kohaku said

"Got it!" I shout

We discussed this, so I need to stick to the plan. If I do so, we will be able to win with ease.

Reality Marble: Guru Guru Hisui World

The environment began to change into the world of my design, and sunflowers began to sprout from the ground. "Wait-I could have sworn your reality marble was a fake, so how is it perfected!?" He asks

"The world is at stake." I comment

He formed a Tatari version of Master Kishima and tried to have him attack Ke, but he hit Wallachia instead.

The first ability of my reality, marble inversion, is pretty much using inverted controls from here on.

Wallachia killed his own creation; he wasn't prepared for Akiha to hit him with a powerful kick to the face. He was knocked back, but it won't be good enough. Onee-chan went in for the attack right after our opponent summoned bats out to engulf her, but Kohaku slashed them; it didn't even look like she moved. He was caught in the slashes, but they were shallow.

"You three can't do fatal damage!" He said to us, but suddenly he was hit by Mecha Hisu, who had been given modifications, so every attack it has replicates sunlight and will do massive damage. "Gyaaaaa!!!" He screamed as he began to burn.

His feet touched the ground, and I made him sink into it like quicksand. As soon as that happened, the mecha version of myself launched a missile barrage at them. I took notice that as soon as it began, Akiha powered down to conserve energy, but she was still on guard, knowing this wouldn't be the end.

"Enough!!!!" He yelled before blasting out of the ground. His body was regenerating, but it looked as if he took no damage and absorbed some of those explosions. He glared at me and then flew at me as fast as he could. I was the biggest threat to him right now.

"Hisui-chan!!!" Kohaku yelled

She was worried about me, but I'm not some defenseless girl she has to watch over. I want her to be able to live without worrying about me so much.

I began to wave my arms around hypnotically, "Dark Jade Fist." I whisper. I launched out a projectile of dark energy, watching as it slammed into Wallachia, sending him flying back yet again. It didn't do significant damage, but it pushed him back, which is good enough for now. I held back as well.

"Hisui-chan, be careful!" Kohaku said

"I know. We need time, though!" I reply

"Time? For what?" Wallachia asks

"We won't tell you..." Akiha snarls

"Can you tell me it should have been on the script, but it isn't?" he said.

"Your demise isn't on the script." I ask

"Who plans for their death in battle?" Wallachia asks us, and we ponder that no one does...

We need to hold off not only until Sion and the others arrive but until the sunflowers charge up fully I can make an attack that will temporarily obliterate him for long enough that Sion van arrive

"Hisui-chan... we may need to change plans!" Onee-chan said

"Why!?" I ask

Wallachia began to charge up making it very clear that he was going to begin taking us seriously since he can't keep wasting his time on us

"Should we go all out?" Akiha asks

"Not yet..." Onee-chan said

We need to hold off not only until Sion and the others arrive, but until the sunflowers charge up fully, I can make an attack that will temporarily obliterate him for long enough that Sion van arrives.

"Hisui-chan, we may need to change plans!" Onee-chan said

"Why!?" I ask.

Wallachia began to charge up, making it very clear that he was going to begin taking us seriously since he couldn't keep wasting his time on us.

"Should we go all out?" Akiha asks

"Not yet..." Onee-chan said

We need to hold off on wasting energy because we need to be able to defend. Well, attacking doesn't matter right now; we just need last. We don't know when Sion will get here, though.

"You expect to win even though you can't do damage to me. What the hell is wrong with you? Why fight me when it's futile!?" He asks

"This may be futile, but we can't let this be the end of the world; we can't let Osiris awaken; we won't let the reality you want flourish!!" I said

"This is going to be the end, so you are going to realize that this is what will happen; you will all die here!!"

"No, we promised we wouldn't!" I yell

"You are talking for your friends; you don't know if they even agree with you; they may want to die!" Wallachia said

"We promised that we wouldn't die, you stupid, so shut up and stay out of this." Akiha yelled before punching him.

"Again, no damage!" He laughed

"I'm so sick of you types. You regenerate no matter what is thrown at you. Why do you have such cheating abilities!?"

"I don't have cheating abilities; you are just worthless and not equal to me. Unless you are Sion or Arcueid, you can't hope to touch me!" He said

"We can touch you, but we can't kill you, so get it right, you aren't some untouchable final boss; we aren't leagues below you; we just have to surpass you, just because you are stronger and can't be killed by us doesn't make our efforts futile; you need to understand that!" Onee-chan said

"You stop acting like you are stronger than me like you did back then!" He said

"Back then, I was different. I wasn't the same Kohaku; I was angry and wanted revenge. You need to understand that I wanted revenge. I was blinded by my desires, kind of like you."Onee-chan said

What the hell are we doing here? We are here to win, of course, knowing that it isn't possible. We have to fight. We have to battle. We need to fight back no matter what.

"Sooo, how should we go at this?" I ask

"Mecha Hisui should fight from here to wear him down a bit," Akiha said.

Wearing him down is our job, and we will do that well.

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