Sister's Feud

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Arcuied pov: I clashed with my older sister yet again, smiling as I saw her blood painting my claws, the sweet blood that I had longed to see. This was where she was going to meet her untimely end.

"Arcueid I don't have time for you, so just drop dead." Altrouge growled

"I'll drop dead once you do it, my dear sister," I laughed.

"Die!" She yelled, "Send slashes my way!" I dodged all of them with ease, slashing her abdomen open.

"Why can't I regenerate fast?" Altrouge asked

"You aren't strong enough, I'm afraid," I said.

She glared at me more irritated than ever before. "Father said that too...." she growled, getting more and more animalistic.

"Awww, is my adorable little sister going to give into her savage desires?" I mocked

"Don't tease her!" Saachin yelled

"Don't worry about it, I won't lose easily!" I laughed

"Y-you self-absorbed worthless piece of shit!" Altrouge yelled as she lunged at me.

"You really want to die here, huh?" I laughed as I ran at her; this time I didn't slash her but kicked her in the head, making her fall to the ground.

"Come on, you must be stronger than that!" I laughed

"S-shut it!" Altrouge growled. She tried to hit me with an uppercut, but I stepped back to dodge it before uppercutting her myself.

"Why is it you want to be the successor to our father? Is it that you want power?" I asked

"You know nothing about me, sister, so just get out of my life!" Altrouge sighed

"Nothing you can do after all, you are only second best," I said.

"At least I'm not a failure like you!" Altrouge said

"On the contrary, you are a failure, sis," I said.

"Shut up....." Altrouge said

"Make me," I said calmly.

Altrouge shot at me, attacking me with a barrage of slashes, which I continuously kept dodging with ease. She wasn't predicting where I was going to be, rather she was trying to hit me where I was, and that isn't what you do in a fight.

She was completely on the ropes with no hope of winning, but then why not retreat? that was the question.

She had to have something else up her sleeve, but then again, what could that be? She didn't seem to have thought that far ahead, although her affiliation with the Night of Wallachia was clear.

She must be trying to weaken me or take more of my power since the Night of Wallachia will be screwed if I can summon the crimson moon. I'm the only thing between her and enlightenment, so basically I can't let her be the sun to my moon.

The black-haired girl began to laugh sadistically, "I know how to win!" She laughed

"Eh, do you now?" I said cheerfully, clearly, in a mocking manner.

"Yes, prepare to die," she giggled to herself.

She began to charge up her energy; her pressure was off the charts; she definitely had gotten stronger; however, there was no way in hell she was beating me even so she suddenly vanished, reappearing behind me, and kicking me really hard.

I went flying but caught myself by digging my claws into the ground to stop myself from falling.

"She's fast...." I said quietly as I looked around for her, only to be kicked again before I could notice.

"Damn it!" I growled as I caught myself yet again, only to be sent flying seconds later.

She somehow mastered the essence of speed, which isn't good. The fact that she is somehow faster than me really isn't good.

"Arcueid!" Altrouge screamed as she appeared above me and went in for a drop kick. I rolled over, dodging the attack, and watched as she got her foot stuck in the ground.

I ran up and slashed the back of her head, hoping I'd cut her head off, but her energy made a force field type thing that I could only partially break, so I didn't manage to chop her head off although it hung on a thread soon regenerating

"Damn you..." she scoffed as she began to pull her leg out. I thought fast and clasped both my hands together and slammed down, hoping to knock her out or knock her head off before she could get out, but I was too late. She got out and dodged.

"I need to retreat and come at you again later," Altrouge sighed.

"No, you don't. We are ending this family bout here!" I yelled as I grabbed her and suplexed her, slamming her head into the ground.

I looked at Satsuki and smiled, grabbing one of Altrouge's legs and picking her up like a vegetable.

"Let's go for a ride!" I yelled as I spun and threw her into the air, jumping after her immediately.

"I could summon the Brunestud castle and end you here, but that would be no fun!" I laughed

I began to brutally claw at her mid-air as her skin tore open, causing it to start to rain blood, but my sister seemed unphased by this; she seemed like she was in a daze.

"Pay attention!" I screamed as I drop-kicked her head, sending us plummeting to the ground. Since she was a vampire, her head didn't completely explode on impact, although I wish it did.

"A-arcuied....." Altrouge mumbled as a huge grin grew on her face.

"What?" I asked.

"This is bye for now," she said.

"What are you talking about? I'm killing you here!" I shouted

"Not quite..." Altrouge laughed. "Swarm," she said.

Suddenly hundreds of ghouls appeared and tackled me off of my sister. I immediately slashed all of them up, but when I looked for her once the blood mist finally cleared up, she was nowhere to be seen.

"Damn, she couldn't have gone far!" I yelled as I tried to run after her.

"Wait, don't go!" Saachin yelled

I looked back at her and sighed, realizing I probably shouldn't have-she wasn't the task at hand-but I had a bad feeling that letting her go wouldn't be a good thing.

But that is something future me would have to deal with.

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