Breaking the Promise

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Satsuki Pov- It all started on that day when I grew to love tohno shiki. It was a cold winter's day, the coldest day of the year. I was asked to go get gym equipment out of the storage shed and, for some reason, when I was inside the shed, the door shut due to the cold wind and locked from the outside.

I had to huddle in the corner to keep warm but, since I was in my gym clothes, the cold winter air nipped at me. My lungs felt like they were going to freeze over and shatter due to my breath inhaling the frigid air.

I tried kicking the door to break the lock but I wasn't strong enough. My whole body felt numb. I tried to call for help but words wouldn't come out. I felt defeated, like I was going to die from the cold.

As I had given up hope, the door was opened and I saw him, Tohno Shiki. He immediately rushed me to the nurses office and stayed with me until I warmed back up. I fell in love then and there.

From there on, I tried to get closer to Shiki, hanging out with him and Arihiko Inui daily. Even though my love for Shiki was unrequited, I still appreciated him for saving me on that day.

One day, I had finally gained the courage to ask Shiki to walk home with me and he agreed we were walking on our way. I heard people gossiping that they had seen Shiki prowling around at night with a knife and he killed people, although I didn't believe it.

"Shiki, have you ever harmed anyone?" I asked, trying to prove the rumors wrong.

"No, I'm not that good at fighting" he sighed.

We continued on our way in silence, but I wanted to make sure he was a truly good

"Shiki promised me this. If I'm ever in danger, please save me" I said, smiling at him.

"Okay, I promise" Shiki said as we got to my house and we went our separate ways.

What a damn liar he was......

Later that night, I decided to go see if the rumors about Shiki were true, so I snuck out and went on the hunt. I made my way towards the Tohno mansion and was horrified to see a pile of bodies lying there.

"Shiki..." I called out, my voice shaky as I hesitated to get closer.

"I am SHIKI.. and who may you be?" A man hissed as he walked in front of the pile.

The man looked scary with his piercing red eyes that looked bloodshot and glowed in the dark. He was very pale and looked sickly and slender like he hadn't eaten in years. He looked ravenous and as vicious as they came and he was covered in blood. I noticed his white hair was turning black partially as he walked closer. The smell of blood filled the air. I was too stunned to move, realizing I was his next victim.

I tried to run as fast as I could. I was still in shock and petrified by the man's aura. It just screamed death. I heard the footsteps of the man slowly approach me as I ran.

"Shiki is that you?" I whimpered in fear, trying not to look back.

"I am SHIKI Tohno" the man snarled as he finally caught up with me, plunging his fangs into my neck. I immediately grabbed SHIKI'S head, slowly pushing his head away, removing his fangs from my neck.

I fell to the ground and couldn't move. What transpired next I don't remember much. All I remembered was him telling me to remember the name Michael Roa Valdamjong as he walked away.

It seemed like he transferred information to me with the bite, so I understood quickly why he told me to remember the name Roa.

'Shiki, please save me..." I cried out before everything went dark.

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