Sister's Fantasy

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Hisui pov: I shot up immediately, feeling my lips as I looked around in a panic. I noticed I was in bed. I heard the snores of Kohaku "how beautiful" I whispered, as I started to stroke my twins' beautiful red hair. I couldn't tell if last night was a dream, or not, even if it was part of me wanted to taste her lips again. I leaned down trying to connect our lips, but Kohaku woke up.

"Morning sis" she yawned. She noticed our faces were mere inches from each other. The more she stared at me, the more embarrassed I got. I started to blush and looked away as fast as I could. "o-o-oh g-good morning" I stuttered. Kohaku put her hand to my head.

"Are you okay? Your face is red?" She asked in a panic "i-im fine" I stuttered, getting up from bed and ran to the door, exiting the room swiftly. I bolted down the stairs trying to find some evidence that that night wasn't a dream, but I saw nothing. Everything looked as it did before the night. The kitchen was spotless. Everything around the house was put back to the way it was.

My brain couldn't process this. Does that mean I had these thoughts on my own? I couldn't tell how do you tell your own sister you may have feelings for them?

"Sis, if your sick you really should go back to bed" Kohaku suggested. Her voice made me jump as I looked to see her standing right behind me. "Get away!!" I screamed, running past her and out the front door that was still missing. "Hisui wait!!" I heard Kohaku yell, but it was too late. I ran as far as I could.

Kohaku pov: I let out a sigh as I watched Hisui run away from the estate. I genuinely didn't think the kiss would affect her this much. I was about to go collect her but I was stopped by a mechanical spider's web.

"Dr. Arach huh... odd to see you out in the day. What is your motive?" I scowled as she just broke out into laughter.

"You, Akiha and Shiki, are all caught in my web..." she laughed, "although you seem different, you aren't bound by my web" she said, with a serious condescending voice,

"Oh so your betraying the Tohno family after Lady Akiha was kind enough to let you reside here?" I laughed, annoyed at the fact she chose now of all times to rebel. She just glared at me and laughed. "me betray the Tohno family. I would never," she sighed as she lied through her teeth

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you go. I assume you really have Lady Akiha and Master Shiki captured", I sighed, preparing to draw my concealed blade, but more mechanical spiders shot webs prohibiting my movement.

"Don't tell me you were that easy to defeat" Dr. Arach laughed as she walked towards me. "I thought you were free" she cackled as she glared at me with her amber eyes

"Me be free. That's a joke. But I would never betray Lady Akiha. It's my job to dispose of anyone that would like you, Dr. Arach" I blared, breaking out of my restraints

"Kohaku, what a beautiful name. What beautiful amber eyes you have" she laughed, snapping her fingers. Miyako came into the room. She looked to be as energetic and full of life as ever.

"Miss Arima, you are free to be discharged today" she said, pushing the girl towards the door. Dr. Arach never stopped staring at me as the young Arima girl ran past me without glancing at me.

"I don't know what this is about, but are you still petty about Master Makihisa stealing your research in college?" I asked. She just glared at me.

"No. I'm beyond that. I just want to help the Tohno family any way I can" she laughed. I could tell she was lying. Her face was really good at hiding her true emotions.

"What are you two doing", Akiha boomed as she exited her room, realizing we weren't doing work

"Nothing really. Kohaku and I were just showing Miss Arima out" Dr. Arach sighed. Akiha seemed to believe that

"I don't have time for this shit, I need to find Hisui" I scowled, running out the door ignoring all of Akiha's screams for me to come back.

Hisui pov: As I ran, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I looked around to see where I was and I recognized the area. I realised I was in front of the Kugamine residence. There was police tape all around the property.

The entire area was painted with blood. The color was incarnadine. The crimson liquid continued to seep, making the puddle grow gradually. I overheard nearby bystanders talking about this. Apparently, this was a murder.

"This definitely was a hit. Tonami Kugamine was hated by everyone" one woman said as another woman began to talk, "but who would dare to kill the Kugamine family?" She asked. Her voice was shaky

Tonami Kugamine was Akiha's former Fiancé. However, their engagement was broken off by Akiha after she found out that he was hitting on me, not like she ever loved him anyway. We needed the funding his family could give even if he was a worthless pile of shit. I wondered who could have done such a heinous act.

I listened in and tried to hear how he and the rest of the residents had died, but it was unknown. They barely managed to decipher who died because the bodies were heavily mutilated beyond recognition. Apparently, the killer left a list of names of targets all related to the Tohno family. Now that the Kugamine family was taken out, who was next?

The Tohno family, the Kishima family, the Arima family, or the Kouzaki family. I sighed in relief that Miyako should be safe as long as she stays within the Tohno estate. I looked down at the ground and saw a bunch of mechanical spiders crawling around in the blood. Dr. Arach's name was all over this

"Sis, I finally found you" Kohaku panted as she hugged me from behind so I couldn't move. " We need to go back and serve Akiha", she sighed as she grabbed my arm and started dragging me back home. She didn't seem to react to the scene in front of us, but for some reason I had a feeling she already knew what had happened. For some reason I felt like all that emanating from my sister was darkness.

I looked up into the sky and noticed it was becoming cloudy. The sun was about to be covered, so it was probably dangerous to be around areas like this. I looked back towards Kohaku and watched as she pulled out a container of pills and popped it open.

"Damnit.. Dr. Arach only gave me two" she grumbled, then she started to think for a while, looking back at me as she just stared into my eyes "pain killers are only short term", she sighed, dumping the pills on the ground and stomping on them.

She slowly lowered her hand down my arm until she gripped my hand. " Let's go back, Sis" she whispered. I saw a small smile pop up on her face.

All I want is for Kohaku to be happy....

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