Catching Up

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Third person pov: Kohaku projected herself across the city in order to list off her demands "if you don't want the city to get destroyed then you must hunt down and kill whoever I say" she scowled as she began to list off all of her hits describing why she wants them dead

Riesbyfe pov: I explained the situation to Alice. She just nodded. I could tell she wasn't really paying attention. Her gaze was fixated on Sion. "Riesbyfe, is that your girlfriend?" She asked in shock, "I didn't think someone your age could get someone like her." She giggled, aggravating me, "How old are you?" Alice asked Sion as she swatted Aoko for trying to steal her tea.

"I'm 19," Sion said. Alice glared back at me in awe, "Aren't you like 50 now?" She asked me in confusion, "I'm only a little older than Sion; I'm in my early twenties!" I cried out, confusing her more, "How the heck am I older than you? Do you use de-aging spells?" She asked I shook my head trying to explain Gamaliel's ability.

"Shouldn't we be discussing the elephant in the room? The city is infested with robots!" Satsuki sighed. I noticed she was looking at Shiki, contemplating if she should help him. Alice sighed, taking a sip of her tea. "You should be discussing it Aoko, and I won't be taking a part of this." she sighed. Aoko tried to grab her cup, "gimmie the tea!" Aoko whined, getting a smile from Alice.

"If you want, you can take the stupid idiot with you, but that's the only thing we will do to help," Alice said, but Aoko quickly told her that she knocked him out already. "We can't leave yet. We have to wait for Akiha and Shiki to wake up." Sion said Alice just glared at her. "You and that blonde girl seem strong enough on your own. Why do you need those two?" she asked, finishing up her tea.

"The enemy is the Tohno family maids. It's frustrating, but I think Shiki and Akiha would get mad if we were the ones to beat them." Arcuied said, disappointed that she couldn't punch the two maids, "You lot are something else. I thought Riesbyfe was bad." Alice laughed. I looked at her, taking offense to that statement.

"Ries, how are you two acquainted?" Sion inquired, and I immediately answered her question. "Alice used to be one of my students back when I was the principle of Reine Academy," I replied, laughing. Alice looked at me "Not a good principle though." Alice chimed I picked up a pillow and threw it at her in annoyance.

"How do you date someone like her?" Alice asked trying to compare me to Aoko. "You just have to be the mature one in the relationship. Sometimes I question how you fall for someone so immature." Sion laughed immediately and tried to kiss me, but I wasn't letting her. Then suddenly, the sound of something crashing down could be heard behind us. We looked to see if Aoko had accidentally knocked a vase on the ground, causing it to shatter.

"Aoko, this is like the ninth time this week." Alice sighed as she started to reconstruct the vase using magic. "You can't be mad at me dear!" Aoko said, walking up to her, placing a kiss on her cheek, "Dear, are you a married couple?" I laughed. They didn't say anything. I just noticed both of them beginning to blush profusely. I noticed a ring around both their fingers. "You are married!!" I shouted in confusion.

"We aren't married and I don't want to be married to someone like her. " Alice sighed. Aoko mumbled something, getting Alice's attention, "Do you have something to say, Aoko?" Alice scowled. Aoko shook her head rapidly, "Don't be mad, dear!" Aoko whined. Alice glared at her in annoyance, "Quiet down, you are yelling in my ear..." She growled softly.

"Saachin, you've been watching over Shiki closely," Sion said. Satsuki nodded, "Despite everything that has happened, I still feel slightly bad." She said, biting her lip, "Where's Arihiko?" I asked. She just shrugged. Alice got up, sighing, "Aoko, let's sweep the building just in case that boy and girl you brought start wandering around." Aoko agreed, and they left the room to look.

Arcueid started to poke him, trying to get him to wake up. Satsuki grabbed her arm to stop her from touching him. "Let him rest!" Satsuki grumbled. She jumped when Shiki shifted. She went a fair distance out of instinct, thinking Shiki was She was going to try to slash her. She relaxed a bit when she realised Shiki was still unconscious.

We sat around for a while just talking. Aoko and Alice finally returned with Arihiko and Akira in hand, "Don't wander around without us!" The two yelled, making sure they understood Alice. They lied down on the couch and Aoko snuggled up against her.

I looked at the two and had a question for them: "Have you two had se-" I was about to finish my sentence but was interrupted by Sion covering my mouth, "we shouldn't ask something like that." She nervously laughed, making sure Satsuki wasn't listening to our conversation. I lifted her hand off my mouth so I could speak again. "Why don't you cuddle me like that?" I asked Sion, "You cuddled me like this three years ago." I laughed, making Sion flustered

"We did a lot of things three years ago that I would never do again." Sion said, while covering her face in embarrassment. I was about to say something but she covered my mouth, knowing what I was going to say, making sure to shut me up before I could speak. "Don't you dare mention that..." She spat, letting out a little giggle.

Shiki opened his eyes and sat up. "Damn it, why can't I switch back with you?" He said no one seemed to understand what was going on until Alice spoke up, "Why is a female soul in that body?" She asked if we all came to a realization at the same moment that it wasn't Shiki but another personality.

Who are you?" Shiki cocked his head to the side and began to speak, "I'm Ryougi Shiki." She said in a cold voice, "Tell me who you are..." She scowled as she waited to learn more about us.

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