Kohaku's Hatred

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Hisui pov: I looked at my sister as she started maniacally laughing like a crazed maniac. Of course, this was sudden, but for Kohaku, I was willing to betray everyone because I knew what Kohaku had been through, I knew how much she had suffered and, as her sister, I wanted to help her feel happy. I thought about my failure to make her happy before. This time I wasn't going to fail. This is my second chance. I started to think about where her hatred began.

Third person: Hisui and Kohaku were part of the Fujo clan, a family of psychics, due to their mother doing something taboo. Their family fell into ruin and the two girls were easy pickings by Makihisa Tohno due to them being Synchronizers

Synchronizers have the ability to give people energy. However, this had to be done through bodily fluid, intercourse being the best way to do so. Makihisa Tohno needed this ability, though because he was suffering from bipolar disorder and Schizophrenia, he needed Hisui and Kohaku to control his body. However, Hisui wasn't ever able to properly use her abilities as a Synchronizer

Kohaku pleaded to Makihisa to spare her little sister and, after a while of prying, the man agreed to let Hisui be free. She was able to play outside with Shiki and Akiha and have a childhood while Kohaku was locked in Makihisa's room.

He had his way with Kohaku constantly, not letting her have a little bit of freedom. She had to watch from afar as her sister and everyone else played outside as she was stripped of all her free will.

Eventually, Shiki was sent to the Arima residence after SHIKI had fatally wounded him. Makihisa decided to give Kohaku some "freedom" by having to take care of SHIKI. She was happy and relived that she had a break, but that happiness was short-lived.

After only a few hours of taking care of him, he had his way with her too. In order to control his own body, no one came for Kohaku. None of her cries were heard.

Makihisa's words kept playing in her head. He told her she was free and yet...

"What is freedom?" She laughed as her mind finally shattered. She stopped being able to cry. Her sadness and despair were replaced with overwhelming hatred and malice. Using medical herbs, she slowly began to manipulate SHIKI until he would run rampet

Akiha and Hisui found out what Makihisa had done a little too late, but Akiha still "freed" Kohaku, making her a normal servant, and Hisui promised she would take over her sister's role for her, but that just made her feel worse, but eventually, due to her intervention SHIKI eventually killed Makihisa leading to Akiha calling Shiki back to live with them

Hisui pov: I was devastated when I heard what happened to Kohaku. I remember back after Makihisa had died Kohaku started laughing.

"Hisui... is this what Joy feels like?" She asked. I just looked at her solemnly "Onee-chan, are you truly happy with this?" I asked. She answered immediately without the slightest bit of hesitation.

"Hell no, I won't stop until I shred the Tohno family lineage to the last atom, Dr. Arach, Wallachia, Chaos, all the dead apostles are my pawns, but I need to get rid of them too, eventually" she laughed

"What about Shiki? Although he has nothing to do with this, it's Roa you want, not Shiki", I pleaded, trying to knock some sense into her.

"Oh, Nanaya, I blame him just as much no more. He was Makihisa's favorite after all" she growled as a dark aura emanated from her body

"Hisui, I don't want to get you involved, so it's your choice, your either with me or against me. Either way, you'll be spared from the bloodshed" she whispered sincerely, calming me down a bit.

"I will betray everyone" I said as I cleared her emotions. "Kohaku, you are the only thing that matters right now". I droned. Kohaku nodded and tossed me a sword.

"As soon as Akiha and Shiki wake up that's when we'll enact our plan" she groaned due to her growing excitement, "why not kill them now?" I asked, because they were sitting ducks now

"I want to destroy the Tohno family's public image and I know they won't be able to fight back" she chuckled. I didn't know what she meant by that but I knew it wasn't good.

"What happens after we get our revenge here?" I asked. She just sighed. " We hunt down the rest. The Arima family, the Kishima family, and the Touzaki family. They are all fair game" she calmly stated.

I quickly realised this was all planned out. Even hiccups in her plan were thought out. She wasn't going through this half-assed. There was no way to beat her. I had a feeling she could even beat Wallachia if she wanted nothing fazed her.

"You know what, I could just release a couple hundred Mecha Hisui and wreck havoc on the city" she said. "bring the Arima's to me, dead or alive. I don't care which." she scowled as she sent some Mecha Hisui to go scour the city for them.

"I manipulated Dr. Arach to do my bidding and she placed a tracking device on Miyako so she can't run forever" she grunted, walking towards the stairs " Come on Hisui-chan and Mechas, let's watch the show" she said as she went up the stairs and sat on the couch one of the mecha's projected a view of the city which started getting swarmed

"Won't Mistress Arcuied and Sion come back to the mansion to stop you as soon as they see this?" I questioned Kohaku, looked at me and just smiled. " If they come here they will be falling into my trap", she laughed.

"What if the church gets involved or that Satsuki girl?" I asked. She quickly answered me again "I've been watching them closely. I know what will make them tick. They are going to be easy to dispose of", she laughed.

I just looked on ahead at the Chaos and thought how long did it take her to plan all this...

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