Akiha's Plight

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Akiha pov: I stared at Kohaku, who was now sitting on a makeshift throne. She was wide open. I wasn't naive. She wouldn't leave herself wide open this late in the game. She was too smart. She knew what I could do, so I wasn't about to let my guard down.

"Kohaku I never took you for an evil mastermind" I solemnly said slowly approaching her

"I am not evil I'm just an avenger." She said, with a giant smile on her face.

"Kohaku, it saddens me, but I know the only thing I can do for you now is to fight!" I yelled, running towards her, but I was intercepted by a Hisui Mecha. This one seemed different from the ones I saw in the city.

Akiha, you will die not by my hand but by a Mecha's. I will make sure you know the full brunt of my hatred!" Kohaku screamed.

"I will not die to-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence. The Mecha Hisui had suddenly appeared in front of me, swiftly landing a punch on my stomach so hard I coughed blood and was sent flying. It appeared behind me, lifting up one of its arms, which I slammed into my back first. I felt my spine straighten as I tried to hold back my urge to throw up.

"You won't be able to keep up with this Mecha, which has been given jet boosters." Kohaku laughed I barely managed to dodge one of the attacks and landed a decent kick on the mecha to no effect. "This Mecha Hisui is made of a special metal alloy stronger than every other metal!" Kohaku laughed as the mecha blasted me away.

"Akiha, do you understand how much I hate you now?" Kohaku yelled I bit my lip as I started to remember the Kohaku from the past

"Yes, I understood from the start. I always knew what you had been plotting. I kept silent because of the atrocities done to you, but I now see I should have shut this down.

Kohaku started laughing hard. She was wheezing. I could tell she was struggling to breathe through her laughter. She grabbed onto her abdomen as tears started to stream down her face. "Lady Akiha, you should pay attention." she sternly said. I just realised the Mecha Hisui was behind me but wasn't able to move before it grabbed onto me, slamming me into the ground.

"What's wrong? Lady Akiha, didn't you come here so confident in beating me? " I knew I had to get some distance. I stood up and bolted, trying to get a decent bit away, but the mecha shot a rocket punch, hitting me straight in the head.

"Akiha, you reap what you sow your father, SHIKI, these are all problems you have to deal with now. The Tohno family is a disgrace on this planet. You make me sick!" Kohaku yelled Mecha Hisui shot a blade out of its arm, lodging itself into my leg

"Kohaku, I'm going to put you to rest." I solemnly said, going into Vermillion mode, "From here on, I'm not holding back." I said, running towards the mecha while trying not to wince in pain.

Even transformed, I couldn't damage the mecha. Kohaku really did this with the intent of killing me. I thought the mecha of myself was strong, but this was on another level; I didn't think I could win because I couldn't use plunder and didn't want to use it on Hisui and Kohaku, so all I could do was brute force it.

"Kohaku you really intend to see this through till the end huh" I said trying to dodge the Mecha's attacks she nodded "I will keep this assault up until you die" she laughed I bit my lip I couldn't last forever I had to end this soon if I wanted to have enough energy to fight Kohaku

"Damn it, I can't keep up!" I yelled. I quickly glanced over to Shiki, who was effortlessly being beaten by Hisui, who hadn't even drawn her sword yet. I knew I was fighting for him, but I was also fighting to protect the Kohaku of the past.

I took another rocket punch to the head and felt blood seep down my face. It was blending in with my crimson hair. "Your blood is so beautiful." Kohaku happily said, "I just smiled." "You think so?" I asked if she didn't like how optimistic I was in this situation.

"You are about to die. Why are you so happy?" Kohaku growled. I couldn't help but smile.

"I'm happy because I know I'm going to die." I laughed.

"Eh?" Kohaku said in confusion "your going to leave Shiki alone just like that?" She said clearly mocking me

The Mecha Hisui punched my gut and I grabbed onto its arm "Gotcha!" I panted a blade popped out of its hand stabbing into me it suddenly started spinning the blade was serated and was cutting unevenly it hurt I bit my lip to stay consistent hoping my regeneration could keep up

"Kohaku, I'll end this with one attack!" I shouted in agony. I blasted a beam out of my hand, pushing the mecha back, but it managed to condense the attack into a ball.

It bounced the attack back at me, but that's what I wanted. I blocked it and hit it back, and just like that, we started hitting it back and forth, each time building up more power until finally hit. I made sure to aim it a certain way, the mecha got his and got shot into the garden where it found itself tangled up in

I couldn't destroy that thing, so I just trapped it. I panted. She started clapping.

"Bravo Lady Akiha, but you realise you are just prolonging your worthless life," she scoffed. I nodded.

"I won't make this easy for you." I was trying to act tough.

I know that the real battle starts now...

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