A Cry For Mercy

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Satsuki pov: "Dieee!" Roa hissed at me. He launched electric buzzsaws at me. I ran toward him, dodging both attacks thrown at me. He was shocked by my speed. "Come on, stop messing with me!" He yelled

"Got it..." I told him and picked up my speed, grabbing onto his face. I drug him through the ground and threw him through the ground.

"Gywraaaa!" He groaned as he plowed through the ground.

"Sacchin, woah," Arcueid said, shocked by my overwhelming power.

"You need to finish him!" Ryougi told me:

"I know..." I told her, "but he wants that." I added right after, I know he wants to die for reasons we may not understand, but all we need to do is defeat him once.

"Satsuki Yumizuka, I will remember you for the rest of my life after I kill you!" Roa screamed 

"I won't remember you."

Roa seemed angered by my retort; he slid at me, but I jumped, dodging him. "Satsuki Kick!" I yelled before dropping and kicking him into the ground. The electricity shocked me, but it barely did anything to me. I stepped off of him, grabbing him and lifting him by his leg. "Time to fly!" I yelled, throwing him into the air after

"Gyaaaaaaa!" He roared 

About a few seconds later, he slammed into the ground. He was limp and honestly peaceful.

"Michael Roa Valdamjong... I'm done being a weakling. I don't care about the past: Tohno Shiki betraying me; Ciel-senpai cutting me down instead of helping me; Noel-sensei lying to us; my parents forgetting about me. I am done thinking about it because all that matters now is my friends and defeating you!"

Roa crawled out of the hole in the ground and began to catch his breath. "Burn in hell," he coughed.

"Not yet, not until the Night of Wallachia has ended and Sion can finally smile and have her life back," I yelled.

Roa stood up, only to be hit with another Satsuki punch. He stumbled back, and I ran at him, "Stop!" He yelled, and I did as told, sliding on the ground in the process due to the momentum, and then I grabbed his face again, undoing reality and slamming his head into a brick wall. I jumped back before it fell on top of me.

"Sacchin!" Sion yelled as she and Ries got to where we were. I wondered how they knew to come here, but I assumed Ryougi called them.

"No... No... Noooo! Roa screamed as he got up and saw all five of us standing over him. "This is bullshit," he cussed.

Ding! All of a sudden, out of nowhere, Arihiko came out and bashed a metal pipe into Roa's skull. "I'm here too!" He panted; he was drenched in sweat, so he must have run here.

"Grrr... I lose!" Roa admitted 

"Really?" Arcueid questioned

"Yes, I have no more tricks up my sleeve, and I can't overpower any of you," he admitted.

"Okay then," Riesbyfe said as she pulled her Gamaliel out and went over to Roa.

"Mario, kill them!" Roa screamed, but no one came.

He was expecting Mario to come and help him, but he must have been stopped by Ciel-senpai and Noel-sensei. That is fine, really, but I don't know if that is actually a good or bad thing at all.

"Come on, Roa, move; we are putting you in a holding cell," Ries said.

"I won't go! Roa screamed

He went to slit his own throat, but Sion wrapped his arms around her wire. No," she scoffed.

Roa was in pain and was pulled over by Arcueid. Die! she growled before spitting in his face.

"Damn it," he growled.

We have to now worry about Chaos and the Night of Wallachia, but when will they show themselves, and will Altrouge be with them?

I have no idea what is going to happen; apparently, it may be an all-out war, but who knows if that will be the case? Hopefully, we won't have to go to war over this, but I have less hope about that.

"You don't understand what I'm trying to do!" Roa shouted, and we all began to walk, ignoring his yells. "Marioooo!" He screeched 

He lost, and there is nothing he can do at this point other than watch everything crumble around him.

"Tell us your plan," Arcueid said.

"No..." Roa growled 

"Tsk, this is why we won't let you go." Arcueid said Roa snarled, knowing he wouldn't be let go either way.

He seems adamant that he has to do whatever he needs to do, so it may actually be important, but who knows? He is a snake, so it could just be a way to escape and then do his plan from wherever he hides.

"Hello you..." Akiha sighed 

She met us halfway. Roa looked disgusted by the twins and Akiha. "Hello sister," he spat.

"Can you let go of him for a moment? I wish to kick his ass." Akiha requested

"Sure..." I said

Ries and Sion seemed a little skeptical, but they let him go, much to Arcueid's dismay. The exact moment his hands were freed, he tried to run, but the Mecha Hisu was in the way, blocking his exit.

"I won't let you go." Akiha mentioned

"Why are you acting like this is your responsibility now?" He yelled

"Because it partially is, and I also want revenge for what you did to Kohaku." Akiha claimed

Roa looked back at us in anger, saying, "Come on, capture me; don't make me fight!" He demanded

But no... we fought Kohaku a little while ago, and we understand she suffered; she deserves this vengeance, so that is why we won't stop Akiha, Hisui, and Kohaku from fighting right now. They all deserve this; they're family after all, so they have to end family matters once and for all. Besides, Roa seems to have regenerated too much; he needs to be beaten down again.

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