Bloody End

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Akiha pov: "Kohaku, let's end this senseless game." I said, sighing as Vermillion mode began to drain me Kohaku was one thing, but Vermillion mode was going to make me die from anemia if I kept this up.

"Okay master, I'll end this!" She said psychotically

She threw out a plant that spun like saw blades I sent out a crimson wheel, but the plant went through it and hurdled at me. I had no choice but to stop it with my bare hands and let the plant shred my hands up

"What's wrong "Lady Akiha, didn't you want to end this? " Kohaku asked. Suddenly, a plant moved behind me and shot a fireball at me, hitting me in the back. Because of this, I lost balance, almost falling into the spinning plant

I barely managed to stop it, but another plant, spinning like a drill shot, came at me. I jumped over it only to get slashed by her concealed blade

I quickly recovered only to be met by a punching cactus, with whom I was about to collide, but realized at the last second that it would hurt me to punch a cactus. I pulled back, trying not to get caught by the plant she threw out that was spitting fire.

It became clear to me very quickly that I wasn't going to win this, but I wasn't going to give this another shot. I will fight until I die. Nothing will change my mind. I can't let Kohaku have her way.

I had to think fast on how I could get in and attack without immediately exhausting Vermillion mode I had my long range beam, but that used too much energy, which I couldn't afford to expend.

"Akiha, why don't you just erase me? I know you want to!" Kohaku laughed

Plunder was out of the question. I didn't want to kill Kohaku since I cared for her too much. So instead I used my hair manipulation to extend my hair to try to capture her. The hair wrapped around her but she suddenly dissapeared, leaving her black hood in her stead.

Kohaku laughed, "Hehehe... I'm a witch, Lady Akiha. You can't beat me."

"Tsk I know..." I panted at her again to no avail.

I knew I was going to lose. I had no chance. She was stronger than me and had been planning her revenge for years, which was fully justified 

I wasn't mad at her for hating this entire family. Actually, I feel the same way. We all deserve to die. I can't change the past, but I can at least make Kohaku happy again by offering my life for her since she wants me gone so much.

"Kohaku, please just kill me!" To her surprise, I yelled.

"What..." she said, not expecting me to say that 

"You are right I deserve to die. Our family is awful, so I'll allow you to end the bloodline here! " I shouted

Kohaku began to process my words I could tell this scenario was not one she thought of. She was astonished at a loss for words. She didn't know what to do.

"Don't do this, Lady Akiha..." she said as tears fell down her face.

"You are trying to trick me!" She shouted. I shook my head.

"Kohaku, I love you too much. I can't stand to see you this unhappy and if my death changes that, I'll gladly die!" I said

She was stunned and at a loss of words. Her ideals shattered all around her. This isn't what she wanted. She wanted someone to be the villain. She wanted me to just be cold until the end 

Kohaku pulled out a wooden stake that had poison dripping from it. I assumed that was how she was going to kill me, so I stepped forward to let her finish me off. However, I looked in horror as she flipped it around and stabbed into her own chest.

"Kohaku!" I screamed as she fell to the ground liflessly. I ran to her and yanked the wooden stake out. It was probably too late for her. I could tell this was a fast working poison.

My scream got the attention of Hisui, who ran to see what was going on. As soon as she saw Kohahu, her face went pale 

Onee-chan...." she said as a tear went down her face. She went to her, holding her sister in her arms as she cried over her

Kohaku was going to die and we couldn't do anything about it. The color in her eyes began to fade and her breathing slowed. Even if the poison didn't get her, the blood loss would. This wasn't good 

Shiki managed to get up and also came to see what was going on. He didn't seem fazed at all 

"Please Onee-chan, wake up!" Hisui screamed, hugging her sister tighter. Shiki walked up, pushing Hisui away before taking off his glasses.

He took his Nanatsu-Yoru and slashed at Kohaku, but he didn't hurt her. Instead, he began smiling 

"What did you do?" Hisui questioned.

Shiki began to explain that he looked at Kohaku's death lines and cut the poison out of her, so she should be able to pull through, but that also depends on her. If she doesn't want to live, she surely would die.

Hisui was grateful, though she was glad Shiki was even giving Kohaku this chance 

I took Kohaku inside the mansion, lying her down on my bed. I was going to take care of her until she woke up. It was the least I could do for her.

As for Hisui, I only gave her a slight punishment since I wasn't mad at her for this. She only has to take on Kohaku's work until she's back in action.

Now for the town people that heard Kohaku's story, this is a pain, but I'll have Aoko erase their memories. Everything seemed to work out, but now the next person I wanted to kill was SHIKI for what he did to Kohaku.

Under the Blood Moon حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن