Rematching The Vampire

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Ciel pov: "Elisia, it's not worth it!" Noel cried out, but it was too late. Arcueid and I had already convinced ourselves that we needed to have this match.

She ran up to me and kicked at me, but I jumped back to dodge. She did a quick spin before pushing off the ground and slashing at my head. I barely managed to duck under the attack. She inverted her arm and slashed back, grazing the bridge of my nose a bit with her, and as she turned with that slash, she dragged her left foot across the ground and swept me off the ground before bringing her knee up and smashing it into my face.

I fell to the ground again before jumping up.

"Why hand to hand?" I asked

She didn't answer me and began to sprint in my direction. I scoffed and threw a key at her, but she jumped into the air, dodging it, and as soon as she got behind me, she turned and kicked me in the back of the head.

I stumbled forward, and as soon as I turned to face her, she was gone. A second later, she appeared on my left side, slamming her fist into my cheek and smashing me into the ground. I burrowed a great distance due to how much force she attacked with.

This is crazy; she literally outclasses me. I thought we'd be on more equal footing, but what is this? I don't have the virgin armor or the seventh holy scripture, but still, I thought I would be able to keep up.

I jumped off the ground and wiped the blood off my face.

"Give it up, Ciel, even though you are immotal, you don't have the strength to back up your words," Arcueid said.

"Says the half-baked vampire..." I growled

"Ciel, you'd think after all this time you'd understand your efforts are futile. You are weak. You just need to sit out the final battle. Wallachia will eat you alive." Arcueid said

"Oh, is that concern for me I hear?" I asked

Arcuied shook her head in annoyance. "Ciel, I have no time for this battle," she said.

"Why not!?" I yelled

"We all know how this ends for one and two. I gain nothing from fighting you; I won't get stronger because you're so weak." Arcueid yawned

"Stop mocking me!" I yelled

"Ciel, just grab that pig of a woman and go home. I really want to go and talk to Sion and Sacchin about what transpired," Arcueid said.

"You've done it now!" I screamed

She insulted Noel, so I rushed her; she looked at me unamused by me. I thrust a key at her, but she sidestepped before using a heavy over-head punch. She hit my arm that went forward, and as her fist collided, the bone shattered.

"You will heal soon enough, so don't cry about it," she scoffed.

"Don't mock me!" I yelled

Arcueid hit me in the stomach with a straight right punch before hitting me with a right hook and then a left hook. She ended the assault by kicking me, sending me crashing into a tree, which collapsed and fell on top of me.

This whole time Arcueid has been mocking me by not using her powers; she has only been using physical abilities. This pisses me off. Ever since she met Sion, she hasn't been taking me seriously.

I grabbed a key with my right arm and ran at her once again. "Arcuied!!" I screamed

"You moron!" She said back

She let me stab into her left hand with my key and grabbed me so I couldn't pull away, and she wound up her right arm, beginning to continuously punch me.

"Ciel, why don't you understand you aren't strong? Leave me alone and just hide because time and time again you keep losing. You lost to Akiha, Dr. Arach, and now you are going to lose to me! You are too stubborn!" Arcueid yelled

Noel watched on, and she reached for one of her keys, but I glared at her.

"Don't interfere!" I screamed

"But we need to leave!" Noel yelled

Noel doesn't understand how much outside help would hurt my pride. I want to beat Arcueid on my own; if I don't, then she'll never respect me as a human.

"Ciel, do you give?" Arcueid asked

I didn't know how swollen my face was due to the beating I had received, but I shook my head. Arcuied snarled

"Give up, damn it!" She screamed

She squeezed on my other arm and threatened to break it too. We both knew I could heal, but without my arms, I shouldn't be able to fight. But I'm going to keep attacking until I beat her. Even if I have no arms, I'll use my legs. If I lose my legs, I'll use my teeth. If I lose my teeth, I'll use my head.

No matter what, I will keep fighting somehow until I'm completely dismembered. Arcueid knows this, and that's what annoys her: the fact that I never give up.

Arcueid glared at me and threw me away in annoyance.

"Give up," she growled.

"No..." I told her as I suddenly felt a sharp pain. All of the beating finally caught up to me.

"You irritate me, Ciel." I just want to make you suffer, but I have to go now," she said.

She began to walk away, but for some reason I was paralyzed and couldn't move. "Arcueid, wait!" I yelled

She said nothing to me before she disappeared into the distance. Noel walked over to me and picked me up.

"I'll patch you up," she somberly stated.

I lost. No matter how you look at this, I lost the battle. What is wrong? I had so much confidence, and yet I was swatted like a fly. She didn't care about what I was doing at all.

I feel pathetic. All I know is that I need to get stronger.

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