New and Improved

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Satsuki pov: Arcueid and I continued our relentless search for Roa, but we had little hope of finding anything. I decided we should probably report back, but then I noticed a white cat that suddenly morphed into a humanoid form.

"Satsuki Yumizuka I'm hungry!"  While Len shouted 

"Ehhhhhh!?"  I said it in shock, not expecting her to show up here.

"What do you have to eat today?" White Len asked 

"Hold on!"  I yelled 

I immediately ran into the convenience store and ran out, seeing Arcuied poking White Len.

"Stop!" I yelled, "so I got you an ice pop." I told her 

"What flavor?"  White Len asked

"Orange," I told her.

She opened it and immediately began to suck on it. "It's good," she calmly told me.

"That's good, but why are you here?" I asked 

"Shiki is so boring compared to you," White Len told me.

"I'm happy you think I'm entertaining." I giggled 

"You also give me yummy foods to eat!" White Len said 

"Well, you really don't give me a choice." I said 

"I know, hahahaha!" She laughed 

"So is that all you can go back to Shiki now?" I told her.

"No, that isn't all!" White Len shouted.

"What do you need?" Arcuied asked 

"There is an alleyway nearby that Roa could be in," White Len explained.

We followed White Len to the location she specified, and I immediately saw a Mecha Hisui.

"We must have missed one," I said.

It looked as if it was scanning the area, but for what?

Arcuied immediately jumped in without thinking, ready for battle. She slashed the mecha, but it blocked it, and sparks immediately flew off it. She pushed back to gain some distance.

The mecha immediately began to charge a laser.

"Wait, that looks like Sion's Obelisk." I commented as it shot the beam, which Arcueid effortlessly blocked and displaced.

The mecha Hisu flew in quickly and went for a palm strike, which Arcuied dodged, but it hit her with a sudden double palm strike before shooting fire out of its hands point blank.

She didn't let up on the Mecha's right arm, which became a chainsaw, and she slammed her arm down before it could connect with her head. I jumped in and caught the saw blade, managing to stop it from spinning as Arcuied kicked it away.

"You okay?"  She asked

"Yeah, my hands will heal," I said calmly.

The mecha shot a basic beam from its eyes that I dodged, but then it grabbed me and began to shock me with electricity. I smirked as I grabbed a hold of it and slammed it into the ground. It jumped up quickly, though.

"This one is odd," I commented.

"How so?"  White Len asked

"Before, these mechs had to use actual weapons; now they are built into them," I said.

The mecha reaffirmed my statement as its arm became a hammer and it slammed down, trying to squash me.

Arcuied quickly shot projectile slashes at the mecha, but it put up a barrier blocking the attack.

A beam of electricity shot out of the smoke. In responce I lifted up a slab of concrete to block it, but only a few seconds later I saw the slab begin to get slashed as the mecha turned its arm into a whip as sharp as Sion's wire.

Arcuied and I ran in to try to get it, but it transformed its arms into a giant fan, making a huge gust of wind push us back. The mecha then shot three missiles, which we dodged, but that was a diversion. The mecha lifted up her dress, and a missile shot out the front. She shot another missile into it so it would detonate. The explosion it caused was immense, almost destroying the alleyway, but Arcuied managed to deflect it.

She made her arms into a crossbow-type thing, shooting out homing missiles. We ran behind her so they would hit her, but she put up a barrier before she grew wings and flew up via jetpack.

"This thing is annoying..." Arcuied panted 

It suddenly gained a visor and closed itself off like a rocket as it flew at me. I caught it and threw it at Arcuied, who kicked it into a wall.

"I think you got it," White Len said.

Much to our shock, it stood up, turning its arms into machine guns, and began to spray bullets. Arcuied made a bunch of chains to protect us.

"You can fight, you know!" I yelled at White Len.

"I can't; I'm eating an ice pop," she said.

The mecha busted through the chains. In its left hand was a drill that almost plowed into Arcuied's face; she barely dodged it.

The mecha's hand became a black spikey ball, and the arm shot it at me; it managed to hit me in the face, surprisingly not making me bleed. I quickly noticed that some sort of jet thing was in it; it shot lasers and missiles at us, which all connected but were weak.

"What the hell, we can't fight it from afar or up close," I said.

"Yeah, but I'm getting excited to destroy it!" Arcueid said 

The mecha came with a simple energy blade in its right hand, and it went to slash Arcuied, but she caught the arm I ran in with and slammed into it, knocking it back. White Len then snapped and hit the mech with a glass-like attack.

"You did help," I said.

"Well, you did feed me," White Len said.

"What the hell!?" Kohahu shouted through the mecha, "What are you doing?" She asked 

"We're destroying this stray mecha," I said.

"No, you aren't; I made this mecha to fight Wallachia!" Kohaku shouted 

"Well, why did it attack us?" I asked 

"I made it to be able to defend itself; it literally is a battle machine..." Kohaku said 

"Thank you, Mistress," the mecha said.

"Come back to base." "I'll analyze how you did in this battle and gather data." Kohaku said 

"Roger," it said as if it flew up and shot off into the distance.

"Luckily, you didn't destroy it," White Len said.

"Yeah, I just noticed that it was really strong," I said.

"Kohaku did almost beat us after all," Arcueid said.

I smiled; having that thing to fight Wallachia will be a big help.

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