Battling Nrvnqsr

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Satsuki pov: I ran off ahead of everyone really fast and stared ahead. Chaos emerged. It may be a trap, but I'm not going to fall into it.

"Nrvnqsr!" I yelled

Chaos looked up, his eyes practically buldging from his head. I grabbed him and slammed him into the ground. "Finally, it's time for you to lose!" I shouted

Nrvnqsr growled and got away from me immediately. He stood up and glared at me. "Why are you here?" He asked

Gathering from this, I guess this isn't a trap; he is actually worried right now. "Tell me why you are out and about." I asked

Nrvnqsr's body ripped apart, and a stag beetle came out. It clamped, trying to slice me in half, but I dodged with ease. "I don't need to tell you!" Nrvnqsr said

"I think you do since the Night of Wallachia is inbound and all-out war is on the table!" I shouted.

"Yes, all-out war is on the table, and we will win!" Nrvnqsr shouted

Sion... I want to defeat this person so there's one less person for her to fight with. In the end, I want her to be happy.

"Why are you here?" Nrvnqsr asked

"To kick your ass!" I yelled

Nrvnqsr smirked at me. "Nope," he said.

As I went to land, he launched forward, and a rhino appeared out in front of him and tried to pierce into me. I grabbed the head and played leap frog. When I got there, the back eight spider legs shot out, trying to stab me.

"Woah!" I said as I dodged the legs.

A giant centipede suddenly shot out of his back and slammed into me. I caught it and was pushed back by it. Arcueid whizzed past me and hit Nrvnqsr in the back of the head, sending him flying forward.

"We aren't going to lose," she stated.

"Are you okay, Sacchin?" Ryougi asked

"Uhuh," I told the adorable woman.

Nrvnqsr shot a million bats at us. Ries got in front of me and shielded me with her Gamaliel. Sion got in front and smirked, "Barrel Replica Obelisk!" She yelled

Nrvnqsr's bats were obliterated, and he was hit by the beam as Sion released more power than he could handle.

"We are going to win," Ryougi laughed.

Nrvnqsr suddenly ran forward, with the rhino protruding from him. He got close to Sion, his right arm becoming a buffalo. Sion was about to be hit, but I jumped in front and caught the horns.

"Damn it!" Nrvnqsr screamed Arcueid appeared at his side and went in for the punch, but Chaos shifted his body into a small fly, dodging the attack. "You need to stop!" He yelled

He turned back to normal and shot a bunch of snakes out, which we are tired of. Ryougi practically skated forward, and with one swing, she cut all the snakes in half.

"Oh wow, that power..." Kohaku stated.

"We are next, right, Onee-chan?" Hisu asked

"Yes, we are," Kohaku said.

Akiha launched forward in vermillion mode and kicked Chaos. As he fell back, a dinosaur-like creature shot out of the back and tried to stab her, but Kohaku got in the way and blocked the blade-like horn with her hidden sword. Akiha sidestepped, allowing Hisu to hit Nrvnqsr with a devastating palm.

"Grah-why?" he growled.

"Because we have no time to waste on you," Arcueid stated.

"Oh yeah?" He coughed

A gorilla arm shot out of his body and hit Arcueid away, and then he became a puddle, vanishing into the ground. "Where did he go?" I asked

He came up as a stag beetle, and it closed its pincers, stabbing into me. "Gah!" I gagged as blood poured from me.

"Sacchin!" Ryougi yelled She tried to slash him again but he vanished

"Damn it!" She yelled as she checked up on me.

"Be careful..." I coughed

Nrvnqsr came out of the ground as a crocodile and went to bite Arcueid since she was blindsided.

"Watch-" I was too late. He began to clamp down, but Tohno Shiki shot past him and cut him, making him turn back to normal.

"Phew, I made it," he huffed.

"Nii-san?" Ahiha questioned

"Sorry, I'm late. My training was rough," he told us.

"No-No-No!" Nrvnqsr screamed

He was getting overwhelmed by us; he can't win at this point. He will have to use his strongest form, and if he does, then he'll be succumbing to us, but he has a lot more creatures he can try to use. Instead, he became a deer and tried to run away, so we began the chase.

"I need to escape and tell Wallachia that the perfect night is almost here!" He yelled

"The perfect night?" Sion questioned

"No, I need to get away!" He hissed

Sion wrapped her wire around Nrvnqsr, and then Ries slammed her Gamaliel into him and pinned him there.

"You are going to tell us everything." Riesbyfe said to him

"Fine-in about ten days, the perfect night will finally come. Maybe it'll be possible to make philosopher stones on that day, or maybe not. I don't know. Wallachia didn't tell me much other than the perfect day is almost here!" Nrvnqsr stated

"What does that mean, though? Do you have any guesses?" Sion asked

"No-I mean sure, but I can't say," he said. Then he suddenly smiled, vanished, and then came up. As we came to chase him, Ciel threw keys at him, but the throw was so bad that it actually cut him off, and he managed to get away.

"What the hell!" I yelled

"What, how did I miss!" Ciel yelled

"Why didn't you use the seventh holy scripture?" Riesbyfe yelled

"Because you don't like it when I use it, and besides, I thought I could kill!" She stated

"No, and now Sion's lead is gone!" Ries screamed with frustration.

Sion sighed and stormed off. She has a lot to think about.

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