A Familiar Battle

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Miyako pov: I was staring down at the giant version of that Tohno devil woman, taking a deep breath to psyche myself up. I need to have a clear mind and beat the crap out of her, or else she will steal Onii-chan.

"Let's do this!!!" I shouted

I began to sprint at the woman. She slammed her hand down, but I jumped up onto her hand, running up the arm, and kicked her in the forehead. She was going to fall back, but stopped as her hair turned crimson, wrapping around me.

"Gyaaaaa!" I screamed as it began to wrap tighter, crushing my bones a bit.

"Miyako!!!" Shiki screamed as he saw me being crushed into dust by the hair.

"Hel-Help me!!!" I cried out.

"I... I can't," he replied.

Onii-chan has faith in me to win, which means I have to win, but I can't break out of the hair's bindings at all. In the corner of my eye, I saw a Neco Arc getting an idea that has to work...

I was able to fling my shoe, and it slammed into the Neco Arc with enough force that it fell backwards, and it happened to be the real one as the giant let go of its grip for. 2 seconds is just enough for me to get down.

"You are pure evil!!" I yelled at me.

I rushed it and went for an axe kick, but it rolled out of the way. I grabbed my shoe, put it back on, and jumped back with it. "You have to do better than that!" My Onii-chan stated

"There is no better than that!" I replied

"You just have to do better!" He states

Onii-chan seems to have odd hopes for me. I don't know if I can fulfill them for her.

"No, this can't be. This girl is beating me up. She is beating me up. I can't do this!!" She yelled

I feel stronger ever since that day...

"Hmm.... you seem interesting, help me find the Osiris and Archetype Earth, girl" the man said as he tapped her on the head, implanting the Tatari into the young girl.

"Yes sir...." I said as I disappeared into the night.

Something was done to my body and then I fought Yumizuka Satsuki... as I said that the world shifted into something familiar but foggy still and there was that Satsuki girl

She grabbed me by the head and threw her towards one of the pillars, partially breaking it and despite blood gushing from my head, I didn't fall. I stood there planting my feet I ran up to her and kicked her

The girl stopped herself in midair and flipped towards me she began running towards me
The fake Satsuki ran towards me at full speed I sent a flurry of kicks Satsuki's way but she dodged all of them and went in for the grab. I jumped back and was barely out of reach

The fake Satsuki threw against the metal pillar indenting it. She sent a flurry of punches the my way. Each punch distorted my body more and more and it was over. I lied lifelessly on the ground, but a few minutes later I was able to recover enough to run for it.

I need to escape to live another day

"Miyako wait!!" My Onii-chan yelled

Akiha pov

"Where is everyone???" I asked

I stared forward and looked at Wallachia, who was standing there, beginning to laugh at me.

"They didn't make it," he said.

Hisui and Kohaku looked at one another, and then me and Seo looked in Seo's direction.

"Mecha Hisu is here now!!!" Kohaku said

The mecha dropped down and prepared for battle.

"You know... I don't want to fight you," Wallachia said.

"Huh?" I questioned.

"I don't want to have to kill you because I think you would all be suitable to become Tatari soldiers!" He said

"No..." I scoff

"Ehh, you want to defy me; I could kill you, so why do you choose to be like this?" He asks

There is nothing wrong with that. We have to be defiant. We are trying to see who is going to be the one to remain humanity or Wallachia.

"You either need to exit stage right or you need to die." Wallachia said

"We will do neither; we will buy time until Sion arrives!!!!" I shout

"Oh yeah???" He scoffs

He ended up making another Tatari version of Kishima.

"Master Kouma???" Hisui said he was confused.

I went over and crushed it with one attack, shocking everyone.

"I'm no pushover; I won't let you destroy the dreams of Hisui and Kohaku bastards!" I yelled at him.

"Oh, so you're a fighter, eh?? Well, then I'll have to make sure you beg for mercy!" He spat

"I'm ready for anything. You think you're intimidating, but you don't know what I have been through. You don't understand everything I have to do!!" I yelled

"I do.." Wallachia scoffed

"No, you don't. My father has done so much shit that I have to atone for beating you. That will be my way of doing that, my retribution!" I shout

He began to laugh at my words.

"My retribution is getting Osiris to become the next me!!!" He laughed

"The next you!?" Hisui yelled

"The next me..." I snarled

Those words are familiar. I have heard them say time and time again, "The next me," something so egotistical that it sickens me beyond belief. How can someone be the next you? How can you hope someone will be the next you???

"Perish..." I growled

"Why are you so mad that I touched a nerve?" He asked

He keeps talking, and all I see and hear is my father.

He wanted me to be so much better; he wanted me to be the next him, but I will never be the next him. I don't want to be a piece of sh*t like him. I will never be like him.

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