Back Alley Alliance

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Sion Pov-"Saachin, I'm back!!" I called out, looking for the girl and trying to tell her the good news.

Satsuki snuck her way up to me from the shadows and kneeled down really close to the walk awaiting for the shadow to stretch far enough to walk in.

"You look really happy, Sion" she giggled. I noticed she seemed to have a change of clothes for me. She tossed me and I started to change.

"Saachin, you don't have to pretend to look away, you know" I laughed, trying to hide how elated I was.

"Sion, did you manage to meet up with Arcuied?" Satsuki asked as she tried not to look towards me.

"Yeah she even agreed to help me reluctantly, sure but I'll take it" I sighed as I unclasped my bra, tossing it towards her.

"Is that all that happened, Sion? You seem really happy" Satsuki questioned as she, effortlessly, caught the bra.

"Nope" I quickly said as I put on the new bra and the large white tee-shirt I was given. I then realized what it was and began to blush.

"By the way Sion... did you run into your girlfriend?" Satsuki eagerly asked as she slowly got closer and closer to me.

"One she is not my girlfriend. Two, it's been three years. She doesn't remember me", I said in a panic, but I tried to maintain my composure.

"My darling Sion, I have arrived!!" Riesbyfe shouted as she lunged onto me, kissing me all over.

"What are you doing here, Riesbyfe?" I asked, trying to push her off of me.

"Didn't you say I could come to see you whenever?" Riesbyfe said as she planted a chaste kiss on my lips.

"Yeah... but that was only like 10 minutes ago" I rebuttled, but she didn't listen.

I noticed Satsuki was glaring at us. She was beaming. She looked overjoyed that Riesbyfe was on top of me trying to make out with me.

"Hey, isn't that the shirt I gave you after we had-" I immediately shut her up by putting my hand over her mouth

"Don't bring that up in front of Saachin. She's too pure for that" I said as I slowly lifted my hand off her mouth.

She looked up and cocked her head as she finally noticed the brown-haired girl that stood in front of them.

"Sion, you should introduce me to your friend" she said, as she nudged my arm.

"Okay, Saachin, this is Riesbyfe Stridberg. She is my best friend. She's a filthy pervert, so be careful. I can't think of redeeming qualities" I chuckled, noticing I had irritated her.

"I'm your girlfriend and you complimented me all the time in bed, Sion!" The girl pouted, crossing her arms and looking away from me.

Satsuki watched the both of us bickering for a little while. She couldn't stop herself from exploding into laughter. The two of us glared at her as we lunged at her and started tickling her. " Please-please stop!!" Satsuki laughed as the two of us assaulted her. She managed to get away but she didn't stop laughing. She thought about something before speaking again.

"I'm Satsuki Yumizuka, but you can call me Saachin. Nice to meet you and thank you for taking care of Sion" she exclaimed, bowing.

"You don't have to thank me. Oh by the Sion, are you hungry?" Riesbyfe said, pointing towards her neck. "you can bite me if you want" she said

"You realise I'm not fully a vampire, right, so blood does nothing for me" I sighed as Riesbyfe started to pout.

I walked up to her and plunged my fangs into her neck, sucking the blood up from the wound. " It-it feels good", she moaned. I stopped sucking her blood immediately after, "pervert!!" I yelled, kicking her away from me and she hit her head on the wall.

"Owie Sion that hurt, kiss me to make me feel better!!" She cried as she moved her glimmering silver hair revealing a huge red mark on her forehead.

I walked over and kissed her forehead. "I'm sorry Ries", I whispered in her ear before walking away.

"Sion, did you like the taste of my blood? I heard type AB is bitter", Riesbyfe asked as she touched the two dots left by my fangs.

"Actually it was strangely sweet, a little salty, but it was gratifying. It had a bit of tang to it but it wasn't overbearing..."

I continued on and on realizing really quickly that Riesbyfe and Saachin were lost in the sea of my words.

"It was good" I sighed, snapping the two girls back into reality.

"I think you should get going, Riesbyfe, the church may get worried if you aren't back before nightfall" I sighed as I leaned up against the wall.

"But I want to see you" she pouted, "and besides, I have this bite mark now. You need to help me conceal it."

Satsuki thought for a second, then she began talking "I have an idea you'll both like it" she said, eagerly dancing in the shadows.

"Let's form the back alley alliance!!!" She screeched loud enough that people outside the alley probably heard it. "You two obviously want to see each other more and we need inside info on the church" she said, spinning around.

"So, a spy, I don't know if I want to give confidential info since my loyalty still resides in the church" she reluctantly said, rubbing the back of her head.

I leaned in next to her ear. "Please Ries, do it for me" I whispered. Her face grew red as she immediately changed her answer.

"For my darling Sion!!!" She screamed, raising her fist in the air. Satsuki laughed at how dorky Riesbyfe is and her laughter made me laugh

"Eltnum was it? We met again" a voice called from the end of the alley. The person's voice was unmistakably Arcueid

She lunged in my direction trying to slash me, but Riesbyfe jumped in front of her, blocking her with her True Apocrypha Gamaliel "arcueid..." She scoffed.

"So you were working with the church all along, huh Eltnum" Arcueid growled, her eyes glowing red.

I quickly explained the situation, calming both Arcueid and Riesbyfe down. " So what brings you here?" I asked, knowing even though Arcueid could be out in the sun she'd rather not

"I wanted to discuss the details of our cooperation and Shiki wants to know everything you know about Satsuki Yumizuka" she sighed, not understanding why he even cared.

"Why isn't Shiki asking me himself" I asked. Arcueid immediately answered.

"Akiha is punishing him by really putting him to work" she said, not specifying what she meant by that.

"Let's start with the Satsuki thing though" she said as she sat down on the ground,

Satsuki spoke up "I'll tell you everything!" She shouted with tears in her eyes "I'll tell you about how Shiki betrayed me!!" She screamed.

I was dumbfounded she wrote to me in letters and told me this story. That's why I'm here, but she vowed to tell the story again because she didn't want to reopen her wounds.

"It all started when I ran into Roa..." Satsuki started to say just the name Roa. angered Arcueid and caught her attention.

"That encounter ruined my life forever..." she said, beginning her story.

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