Justice Served

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Ciel pov: "How did you get so strong?" Mario screamed as he struggled to stand.

"How did I get so strong? I always have been," I stated.

Mario glared at me and said, "No, you haven't!" He shouted

"Clealry I have Mario because I'm winning.

Mario began to manipulate the sisters to attack me, but I began to dodge them. "Ho-how!" He yelled

"Easy..." I said, "I just move fast." I continued saying,

Mario snarled and sped up his fingering as his "puppets" picked up the pace.

It was harder to keep up. Suddenly, Mario really knew how to make me have to work for this win, but I know if I lose, then Mario takes control of the church, and then we are screwed.

"What are you thinking, Ciel? Mother Riesbyfe owns the church."Nanako said

That is true, however, losing still isn't on the cards. If I lose, then everyone in the church that is being manipulated by Mario will be stuck forever.

I need to save them; it is part of my justice.

"Elisia, just focus on beating Mario; I will defeat the sisters that are being controlled!" Noel stated

"No, you won't!" Mario tried to wrap strings around Noel, but she missed "Shit!" He yelled

Noel rushed at Mario, slammed her polearm into him, and sent him down to the ground.

"I'll handle it from here!" I told her

Noel nodded and ran to take care of the sisters. I began by throwing flaming keys at Mario, but he wrapped strings around them and yanked them down so they would stick to the ground.

"I'm not going to lose that easily!" He said

I knew that Mario had been elusive. I can't say he has been strong, but he has been elusive.

"Nanako, commence fire!" I said

I began to spray bullets at Mario, and he got up, running behind a tree. I smirked and rushed at him, plowing through the tree with the seventh holy scripture.

"Whaaat!?" He yelled

I bashed the seventh holy scripture into him and then sprayed him with bullets. However, he seemed to have had something under his clothes, so the bullets didn't directly hit him, and he survived the assault.

"You pig!" Mario screamed

"You're the pig..." I spat as I pointed the seventh holy scripture at his head.

"Wait, don't kill him!" Nanako shouted

"Why not? We won!" I said

"We aren't cold-blooded killers; we are agents of justice. We need to spare him. We can lock him in solitary confinement, and then we can get all the information we need from him," Nanako said.

"Im sick of your defiance, Nanako..." I said

"I will make you listen. Ciel, you are my friend, my owner. You aren't the cold killer you are trying to be, and would this guy really be worth killing?" Nanako added

"No, but he betrayed the church," I said.

"And? We should kill him for it." Nanako questioned

She was right, but at the same time, I don't want him to be happy.

He calls Noel a pig and abuses her all the time. It pisses me off to all extents. He has no reason to call Noel a pig; it is wrong and offensive to her.

Mario tried to crawl away, but I stepped on his back in order to stop his advance. "Damn it!" He yelled.

"It's over..." I sighed

I decided Nanako was right and lowered my weapon, much to Noel's shock. "Elisia, why not kill him?" She asked

"He's not worth it," I explained.

Noel looked at Mario and sighed before cutting the puppet strings and freeing all the sisters.

"You are getting off the hook." Noel sighed

"Wait-no, take me out!" Mario pleaded

"You clearly want us to kill you, so we definitely won't do so now," I said.

"Huuuh!?" He yelled in anguish.

Noel handcuffed Mario and the sisters took care of him. From there, I sighed and sat on a wall.

"What's wrong, Elisia?" Noel asked

"We really have done nothing realistically. Mario is just the lapdog of Roa; he isn't even worth anything," I said.

"That is true; however, to be honest, it's better than nothing." Noel stated

It is true that doing something is better than doing nothing, but at the same time, I wish I was the one who got to put Roa down. All of us wanted revenge for something, but it's just a whole thing.

"Didn't you tell Akiha she needs to account for her brother?" Noel asked

"Ehh, no need to call me out in the moment. I was angry, and I just had to tell her what I thought she would be doing. I didn't actually expect her to care." I said

"I think she only really began caring because of Kohaku," Noel said.

I guess that is right...

Honestly, Mother Riesbyfe and Eltnum are the only two that haven't been affected by Roa or anyone related to him. He had a huge bounty on his head, so honestly, the fact that it took this long to finally get him says something about his strength.

"Next up is Nvrys Chaos." I said

"Where is he?" Noel asked

"No clue..." I sighed

"Wait, is that Arcuied?" Noel asked

I looked to where she was pointing, and it was her. She and the others were heading to the main area of the city, but for what purpose?

"We need to follow!" I stated

"Yes!" Noel said.

We began the chase. Where could they be going, and why are they heading there now? As we continued forward, I felt something odd; it seemed like Nvrys was out and about, but why now?

"Let's follow slowly!" I said

"Got it." Noel softly spoke.

We continued, but much slower than before, because we just wanted to observe what they were doing and not get caught up in this mess, but at the same time, it may be good if Noel and I take out Nvrys for good.

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