The Troubles Ahead

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Arcuied pov: "Things aren't looking good," I said to Sacchin, Sion, and Riesbyfe.

"What's going on?" Sion asked

"Not only is your father an issue in this battle, but my sister as well. Sacchin saw her when she was sore. She is stronger than ever, and she is going to come at us harder than before." I mentioned

"She didn't seem to have strong followers; I thought she was just a fake Shiki," Sacchin commented.

"She must be saving her real lieutenants for the real battle, which has to be coming soon. I can't imagine that she would come try to kill me without dead apostles," I said.

"That could be a problem; you said your sister is working for my father, so this may be a war." Sion sighed

"Misaki can't handle all-out war, and the church doesn't have enough people to make an army." Riesbyfe groaned

"There is no need to mobilize yet; we don't know if it'll be an issue quite yet," I replied.

"Let's focus on Roa right now. We have four days to do this. We need to make sure we have one less problem before my father," Sion said.

"We should relax a little bit since soon we will have no free time," Sacchin stated.

"We are getting closer and closer to the battle with my father by the day. Let's give Roa a battle he will always remember, then bring that battle to Chaos and Wallachia!" Sion said 

"Are we really ready to face all of them yet?" Sacchin asked

"Together we will be," Riesbyfe said.

"You know, a few months ago I would have punched you in the face for saying together we can beat them, but I've grown quite fond of you all, and I realized that we have to fight together," I said.

"All of Misaki may be pulled into this battle," Riesbyfe said.

"That is a possibility, but we do need to end this here no matter what happens," Sacchin groaned.

"That sounds a bit rough, but she is right; we can't afford to get cold feet because Misaki is at stake; a little destruction is better than everything being destroyed in the end," Sion said.

"Actually, Lady Akiha has selflessly decided we are going to lure Wallachia to the Tohno Manor," I commented.

"Really?" Sacchin asked 

"Yeah, she understands the stakes of this battle, and Kohaku suggested that we should find a way to contain Wallachia so his power doesn't spread throughout," I said.

"How much have you guys prepared?" Riesbyfe asked

"Quite a lot, actually; we don't really have all the stuff ready yet, but we are going to battle in a dome, and hopefully all of us can defeat him before sunrise," I said.

"We probably should be focusing on Roa mostly, though, right?" Riesbyfe asked

"Yeah, but being prepared is important; we can't afford one slip-up," I said.

"You are thinking a lot more," Sion laughed.

"Yes, my sister is involved after all," I replied.

This battle is going to be tougher than originally intended. I don't want to say my sister is strong, but she is, and she can also negate the crimson moon with her in the same way we can never win against Wallachia and win the night back.

Not that I'm not ready for an all-out battle; of course I would be; after all, I love battles. My sister just irritates me so much by thinking she is better than me, even though she isn't. She is just a lesser being who thinks she's at the top, but she isn't. Her father had no hope in her.

Sacchin stood up and glared at me. "Let's spar!" She suggested 

"Not in my flat!" Riesbyfe shouted

"Look, it's day; I can't train anywhere else!" Sacchin said 

"Okay, but only hand to hand and no knocking each other through things." Riesbyfe said 

"Works for me," Sacchin stated.

She lunged at me and kicked, so I ducked under it. When she landed, I went for a downward chop aimed at her head, but she caught my arm mid-attack, and then she hit me in the stomach three times with my right hand. I punched her in the face, but she took it and grabbed my face, slamming it into the door.

"Enough," Sion said.

"You are tougher than Ciel." I'll tell you what. Tonight, let's have a real battle," I said.

"Sounds good to me!" Sacchin cheerfully said:

"Sacchin, we probably should try to get you to be immune to the sun just in case," Sion said.

"It's impossible; I'm not strong enough for that!" Sacchin stated

"Well, we do want you to get some sun before you turn back into a human, so you aren't afraid of it," Ries said.

"Actually, I've been thinking, even if the philosopher stone is possible to make, do we still want to become humans?" Sion asked

Sacchin sat there quietly, seemingly explaining everything. Before, she didn't even want to consider possibly being a vampire forever, but now she is, maybe because recently she realized that having abilities isn't so bad.

"Sacchin I want what's best for you, so if you ever change your mind, please tell me." Sion said

"If it is possible to turn back, we still don't know, but you are right, I'm not sure if I want to ever go back. I've gotten used to being a weak-assed vampire," she said.

"The current Tatari can get one wish, no matter how big or small, but as you said, you don't want to be the Tatari Sion," I said.

"Things made by the Tatari aren't real; they're just illusions, so we can escape from the world. Happiness isn't that I want to carve my own path," Sion said.

Sion seemed to see Riesbyfe staring off into space, so she squeezed her hand. "Sorry, I'm just thinking about how you have to kill your father," she said.

Sion sighed and frowned a bit. "We'll get there when we get there," she stated.

Those words and her expression made me wonder: how does she feel about her father?

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