Special Chapter: Happy New Year!

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Sion pov: We all had to go to the Tohno Manor since we decided to spend the new year over there for some reason since we had nothing better to do since it was the year of the rabbit Saachin suggested we all wear bunny suits.

"Why am I wearing this?" I sighed as we approached the manor.

"Because it's cute!" Ries said 

"I agree!" Saachin cheered 

"Whatever...." I sighed.

"Knock knock!" Saachin said as she opened the door to the manor, revealing Akiha, Arcueid, Hisu, and Kohaku.

"Do I really have to wear this?" Shiki asked in horror.

"Yes Nii-san...." Akiha said sternly as she yanked Shiki out of the shadow, revealing him in a bunny suit.

"Hahaha, how degrading!" Arcuied laughed 

"I understand it's the year of the rabbit, but this is degrading for a man." Shiki sighed 

"You look good." Hisui spoke monotonously. I couldn't even tell if she even meant that.

"Yeah, you look great," Kohaku stated sarcastically.

"You aren't helping!" Shiki yelled 

"Today we won't have to worry about that bastartd Roa!" Akiha laughed 

"Why not?" Kohaku asked 

"I locked him in the closet!" Akiha said as she opened the door, revealing Roa, who had been tied up and gagged.

"You really are something else, Lady Akiha," Kohaku said clearly, showing her respect for her.

Shiki looked at Saachin, and his face turned in disgust. "Wow, so orange...." he said before going into a trance.

"It's cute!" Ryougi spoke as she walked over to Shiki.

"Thank you," Saachin said as she blushed.

"Sion, let's fight!" Arcueid said so cheerfully.

"No, not when we're in the bunny suits," I sighed.

"But I want to punch you while you are wearing the bunny suit!" Arcueid said 

"Sion, the bunny suit is staying on during se-" I immediately cut Ries off by covering her mouth.

"One no, and two not in front of Saachin!" I hissed 

"You are no fun!" Ries pouted 

"I'm not trying to be," I said.

"Lighten up, Sion!" Saachin told me 

"Alright," I sighed in response to her clearly making Ries jealous in the process.

"What are you doing, Akiha?" I asked as I looked at the younger woman, who was foaming at the mouth.

"If I get Shiki alone with me at midnight, he'll have to kiss me," she said, her eyes bloodshot.

"S-scary!" Saachin said 

"Yeah, I'm not kissing you. " Ryougi said 

"You shall not go into the synthetic body Kohaku made for you!" Akiha said 

"Fine....." Ryougi sighed, "but you know Shiki will be in a coma until after the new year," she said.

"Damn it. Nevermind stay in the body," she sighed.

"So what are we doing here?" I asked

"You're supposed to fight me!" Arcueid said 

"No...." I said 

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