The Cat Thing...

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Miyako pov: "onii-chan!?" I called out

I looked around, not recognizing where I was at all. This is weird, to be honest. All I remember is that I saw my brother, and then when I ran towards him, I was transported here.

"Buru nyuu!"

I looked around as I heard a noise. "Who is there!?" I asked

"Buru, nyuu, it is I!!!!" Neco Arc declared

"Ehhhh...." I yell

"You see, I'm just here to pad out the run time; no need to fight me!!!" They said

I jumped up as high as I could and tried to kick them, but I missed.

"You see, hit boxes are a thing, and mine aren't balanced!!!!" They shouted

I fell backwards off of the ledge I was on on "Five Form First!" I lunged upwards and went to kick the Neco Arc, but I missed due to the arch.

"Buru nyuu, you can't hit me because of my small size, not that you are going to be able to hit me anyway!"

I spat onto the ground, "arrow fist!!!" I launched forward and punched the cat thing in the face, and then I leapt, going into a "thousand-year smash" elbow drop.

"Gyaaaaaa!!!" They screeched

They were on the ground, and so I used a "Quake Stomp," blasting the cat away.

"Buru nyuuuuuuuuuuuu!" They screamed at us.

I blinked a few times, staring at what was happening, and I realized I couldn't go back to Onii-chan if I couldn't catch it.

I quickly began to run after the cat creature. I need to get it if I hope to get back. I was shortsighted to think I should just kick its ass, but then again, what is wrong with that?

"Die Buru nyuu!!" It said

I noticed it's entire lower body was a rocket, and they slammed into me with a headbutt.

"Gah!!!" I coughed

I flew back and slammed into a wall behind me. The cat creature continued to fly around like it owned the place.

"Damn it!!!" I hissed

"Buru nyuu, you can't leave!!" They said

"Oh yeah!?" I screamed

I kicked the cat thing in the head, punting it straight off.

"Eeeeek!!!" I shrieked

"Buru nyuu, you didn't kill me!" It said

There was another one.

"Stop making that damn noise!!!" I yell

I kicked the new on in the face, and it smashed into a wall, becoming a puddle. "Nya!" Another one shouted

"How many of you are there!?" I ask

There was a bunch that kept coming out of every nook and cranny of the room we were in. They were like a sea of disgusting creatures. I kicked down the door of the room I was in and began to run.

I'm going to be eaten alive by these cat things. This isn't good...

"Buru nyuu!!!" They don't shut up...

They keep making the same noise over and over again. This isn't good. I'm going to go insane if this keeps up. I need to stay sane.

"I'm the strongest!!!!" Neco Arc shouts

I kept running. I have to get as far away from these things as possible if I get swallowed up.

"Come back here!!!" They screeched

These things are way too fast. I don't think I can escape them if I don't run fast enough.

"I just want to go to my onii-chan!!!" I cried out.

"Oh well, then you have to defeat us!!!!" The Neco Arcs said

Defeat them I can only shoot them once, but there are too many of them to kill all of them at once. I am just running away from them at this point.

Hold it, I can manage to take a bunch of them out...

I did my stomping move yet again as the shockwave hit them. A bunch of them popped so much that there was a clear runway that I ran through.

There were two Neco Arcs on the ground, and they had summoning circles of black keys launched from them, one stabbing me in the torso and the other in my leg, and then a Neco Arc behind me made another circle.

A blonde girl appeared. "Is that Arc?"

"Excalibuuuuuuur!" The woman yells.

A big energy slash projectile shot at me before it could slice me in half. A Panda got in front of me and blocked the attack.

"Are you alright, Miyako?" His voice was deep and cool, very Chuuni.

"Onii-chan!?" I questioned

"Yes, it is Miyako," he said.

"Impossible!? The Tatari made your creations!?" Neco Arc yelled

I yanked the keys out of my body and threw them to the side, getting into my fighting stance.

"Miyako, stand tall. We must find the real Neco Arc and kill it," he said.

"Roger!!!" I yelled

"No!!!! We won't die to a joke!!!" They screeched

The Neco Arc began to rush us as they multiplied. Onii-chan and I both began to fend them off.

The Neco Arc began to summon things. The first thing summoned was a sexy-looking red-haired girl with a polearm. She tried to bash the weapon into my skull, but I began to dodge before hitting her with a hundred-hit combo.

"Nyaaa, is she the strongest in the universe!?" The creature asked

"No, we just need to summon someone who has no problem killing children!!!" They shouted

And then they did it, summoning a giant version of the oppressor, Akiha Tohno.

Her hand came down to crush me, but Onii-chan got me out of the way.

"This is the disgusting woman that held me captive," he said.

"Then let's kill her!!" I yell

I got into my fighting pose only to be hit away by the giant Akiha. My onii-chan tried to attack the giant to no effect.

"Shit, Miyako, you are the only one strong enough to do this!!!" He said

"Why me!?" I asked as I got up.

"Because this is your dream scenario, you are the hero of this Tatari vision!" He said

"Tatari vision!?"

I have no idea what he's talking about, but all I know is that I can only stop the oppressor.

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