Blood Most Crimson

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Akiha pov: "It's about time..."

Roa looked at me confused. "For what?"

"For me to end you and take responsibility for getting revenge for Kohaku as well..."

"You will die!" Roa shouted

I lunged at him and kicked him across the face; he didn't fall over, but blood poured out of his head, which was good enough for me.

"Will I?" I asked him

He shot electricity at me, but I dodged and then rushed him, hitting the vampire with a barrage of blows. "Damn-damn you!" He yelled

"What are you going to do?" I asked

"Ouroboros!" He screamed

The green and black snake creature flew at me, so I began to run away from it just to gain a little distance so I could build up momentum, and as soon as I realized I was far enough away, I partially went into Vermillion Mode before launching myself through the creature, destroying it in the process. Roa tried to jump away, but I wrapped my hair around him, pulling him closer before punching through him.

"Blegh!" He went as he vomited blood. He fell to the ground and struggled to stand up.

"Regenerate if you want round two," I offered.

"I'm going to murder you!" He yelled

"Oh? And when are you going to do this? You never proved that you could do so, and also, why didn't you do that back in the day?"

"Because I needed you alive in order to escape!" He said

"You should have killed me; I'll make sure you regret not doing that!" I told him

Roa was still angry. Satsuki pushed him enough that he was weaker and irritated; he should be easier picking. "Will I have to go all out?" I asked

"Aren't you going all out right now?" He asked

"Not even close..." I told him

"Liar!" He shouted

"Any last words?" I questioned

"Just one," he said.

While I awaited the question, he lunged at me and grabbed me by the neck. "Die," he said as he began to electrocute me. My entire body began to feel numb from the shocks.

"Shit... I let my guard down!" I yelled

"Yes, you did. Now it's time for me to kill you, little sister!" Roa yelled

Kohaku appeared next to Roa and quickly unsheathed and then sheathed her sword. His arm was suddenly cut off, and he looked at the red-haired maid in horror.

In order not to kill him, I depowered him before grabbing him by the neck and lifting him up.

"Scarlet Mistress, Crimson Hammer!"

I began to blast Roa with my strongest attack, blasting him sky high, and then I stopped.

"He should be done now," Arcueid said.

"Not quite Kohaku, come here!" I said

Kohaku did as she was told and began to force feed him a potion that dampens power.

"What is that going to do?" Ryougi asked

"It is going to weaken him enough that he can't fight anyone for a few months; he has no power now," Kohaku explained.

"Now what is going to happen? We defeated Roa, right?" Satsuki said

"We did, so now we have to do something about the Night of Wallachia; however, he is still hiding out after I scared him," Kohaku said.

The Night of Wallachia and Nvrys Chaos-those two are the ones we actually need to defeat for the world's sake, not that I actually care at all about the world.

All I care about is Hisui and Kohaku, as well as my Nii-san, but now a little bit less.

"We are so close to fighting Sion's father," Satsuki said.

"To be honest, this might be a little tough on her. I don't know how she feels about her father, but I can imagine that she has some fond feelings about him. My father was a piece of sh*t when he died. I didn't care at all, but maybe she will be different," I said.

"Sion has given me the impression that she does care about her father; he changed at some point, however, and is now evil," Satsuki claimed.

This is different. He changed over time, so he may be able to be talked down.

"Do you know anything about Sion's past life?" Hisu asked

"Nothing other than her and Ries' trip to Italy and how she became a vampire, as well as whatever she wrote to me in letters," Sacchin said.

"Huh, that's odd," I said.

"Sion is kind of a secluded person; she isn't one to tell people about herself. I get it since she hasn't had a lot of happy moments," Sacchin told us.

"She is a strong fighter, though," Arcueid commented.

That doesn't help us; if she gets cold feet and can't kill her father, then the world is in danger, but we have to believe that she can end this once and for all.

"None of you will be alive to see if Sion can beat her father." Roa claimed

"Why is that?" Hisu asked

"Because you all are dying here!" He coughed

He began to shoot high-power electricity through the whole area and made sure to channel it into all of us.

"Now it's time to escape!" He groaned

He got up and began to run away. "He's getting away!" Arihiko shouted

"No, he's not!" Satsuki yelled She grabbed Arcueid and Ryougi and lunged forward.

She threw the blonde vampire at Roa, and she tackled him to the ground. All of a sudden, Roa exploded with power, pushing her off.

"I'll handle things from now on!" Arcueid said

Kohaku's potion should have had effect by now, so why is he stronger than before now? Maybe it's delayed and he is getting a rage boost. Who knows? All I know is that I have to trust Arcueid to end this from here on. I let my guard down since Roa is so weak, but she isn't going to let her guard down. She has to make sure Roa is beaten here and now for good.

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