Special Chapter: Akiha's Birthday

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Akiha pov: Akiha-Chan, wake up! Shiki said, pushing me awake.

"Uhm... Nii-san, what do you need?" I questioned

"Akiha-Chan, it's your birthday and I just wanted to ask if you would marry me," Shiki said.

"What!?" I said in shock and confusion, my face turning bright red in my fluster.

"Lady Akiha, marry me!" Kohaku said, hugging me and gently kissing my cheek.

"No, please marry me, Lady Akiha!" Hisui added while kissing me.

My mind was going blank I couldn't process what was going on. What were those three saying?

"Hisui, Kohaku, get me some tea," I demanded. They looked at me weird.

"What are you talking about?" They asked in unison.

"You, my maid, get me tea!" I said they were confused yet again.

"We aren't your maids..." they said.

"Mistress Akiha I'm sorry I spilt your tea! " Arcueid stated

"What?" I said in shock.

"I'm sorry that dumb vampire spilt your tea, Mistress." Ciel said, bowing in apology.

"What is she doing here!?" I asked.

"They are your maids?" Kohaku said

"No No No, why are you and Hisui still in maid outfits then?" I asked.

"Akiha, don't you remember how much you enjoy roleplaying?"Hisui expressed her enthusiasm.

"Okay, what is going on!?" I asked if this wasn't right.

"Happy birthday!" they all said, leaving me to think about all this.

I got out of bed and got ready for the day. Finally descending the stairs, my eyes widened as Sion came into the house riding a unicycle. She had clown makeup on and was juggling some sort of weird cat creature. I freaking hate cats. Why are they here?

"Happy birthday Akiha," a man said I looked behind me and saw Kishima.

"Oh God no..." I said as I headed a woman shriik

"Please, not Miyako..." I said in horror as she came out of the shadows.

"Happy birthday...." she said I backed up in disgust at who let these creatures into my house.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Akiha, you're letting us live here, remember?" Kishima asked.

"No, that can't be..." I said there was no way I'd allow something so heinous.

"Happy Birthday Akiha" Akira Seo said I was to complain, but I realised it was my friend.

"Wait a minute, I don't have friends." I am confused by all of this

Everyone placed gifts on the table I was afraid to open them I reached out for one of the gifts but was interrupted by someone's voice.

Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you, my dearest little sister, Akiha Tohno! "Happy birthday to you!" A man performed a song.

I glanced at the doorway as Roa walked in with a birthday cake. "How's my dearest little sister doing?" he asked.

"Guys, it's Roa! Kill him!" I shouted and they all looked at me confused.

"Why would you want to kill your brother? After all, this party was his idea, "Shiki said

"What the hell?" I said Satsuki came in behind Roa.

"Satsuki, what are you doing here?" I questioned

"What do you don't want to see your wife?" She asked

"No, what is today? This has to be some weird dream..." I said in horror I ran up to a wall and started bashing my head in.

"Why won't I wake up?" I screamed, desperately trying to end this nightmare

I mean, the Arcuied and Ciel being my slaves was cool and I liked having Hisui, Kohaku, and Shiki all over me, but the rest wasn't right

I suddenly shot out of bed in a cold sweat, finally waking up. I looked at the bedside and felt sick to my stomach.

"Are you okay, Imouto?" Roa asked.

"Aaaaaaa!"I screamed waking again. The same thing happened. I shot out of bed in a cold sweat. Looking over and not seeing Roa gave me a sense of relief.

I looked down on the bed and saw three cats on it "Aaaaaaa!" I screamed again in terror as the door opened.

"What's wrong, Lady Akiha?" Roa asked I looked in horror as I noticed he was in a maid's outfit

I shot out of bed yet again, but I realised I was in a hospital bed. "Congrats on your baby Akiha," Kohaku said.

"Who's the father?" I asked

"Hello Akiha..." Roa said.

"No, you aren't shiki!" I yelled

"Yeah, I'm I'm SHIKI..." He said

"It's not the same, you aren't my brother!" I screamed.

"Yeah, I am..." he said.

"No, you aren't the other Shiki!" I shouted

"Oh, you mean Ryougi, your older sister," he said.

"God No!" I screamed, waking up yet again. "Is it finally over?" I questioned

"What's wrong, Akiha?" Shiki asked

"It's horrible I was having a nightmare Roa kept showing up and and "I began to tear because it was finally over."

"You fell asleep. It's your birthday today," Shiki said

"Okay..." I sighed

"Hey, Akiha!" Roa said, waking up in the room

"Fuuuu-" I was about to swear but I was cut off by laughter.

"You were duped, Akiha," Kohaku laughed. "This is a mecha Roa I've been working on," she explained, and I exhaled a sigh of relief.

Hisui came into the room, but she had amber eyes "What's wrong with your eyes?" I asked.

"Oh, by the way, I have colored contacts in, and I have a birthday letter for you," Hisui said, handing me the letter.

I read it, and my heart sank to my chest when I read from Shiki.

"Who is it from?" Hisui asked

"It doesn't matter..." I said, ripping up the letter.

By the way, Akiha, I have a gift for you. Kohaku said, handing me her and Hisui's presents I looked inside Kohaku's and saw a mini Shiki figure

Inside Hisui's was an embarrassing picture of Shiki when he spilt mayonnaise all over himself, or at least I think it's mayonnaise for my sanity. I'm going to say it is

I heard the doorbell ring, so I went to see who it was looking through the peephole. I saw a little bit of Roa. He was running away from the bastard ding dong ditched

I turned to Shiki and looked at him. "So Nii-san, what did you get me?" I asked if I noticed him beginning to sweat

"Uhm... I forgot..." he said

I immediately went into Vermillion mode and approached him, telling him that I was going to force him to give something today, whether he liked it or not.

*A/N: Happy Birthday Akiha Tohno 9/22

Under the Blood Moon Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora