No Resonance

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Shiki pov: I found the place Eltnum is staying at and knocked on the door, only for Satsuki to open the door.

"Why are you here?" she asked, more annoyed than anything, but still, her tone made me feel guilty about what had happened.

"Can I talk to Eltnum?" I asked

"Can you?" She asked me

"Sacchin, who's there?" Eltnum asked as she sat up in her bed.

"Shiki..." Satsuki lowly growled

Eltnum wrapped a wire around my arm, yanking me inside the building. "What do you need?" She asked

"Well, you see, I have a cognitive foe that I have to defeat in order to become stronger." I claimed

"So you want me to wire into your mind and fight that battle for you?" She questioned

"Yeah-how did you know?" I asked

"Becsuse I know everything, and let me tell you, that is basically suicide. If something happens while I'm tapped into your brain, you could die!!!" She said

"Well, I have to do this!!!" I yelled

"Shiki, there is a way," Eltnum said.

"What is it?"

Satsuki chopped the back of my neck and knocked me out, and when I woke up, I was in a familiar place. I looked down and saw Arcueid cut up into seventeen pieces. I felt the urge to throw up as if I were living through this again.

"Blegh!" I spilled my insides out onto the blood below me, and as soon as this happened, the scene changed.

Satsuki was running at me at full speed. I went to cut her up but stopped allowing her to grab my head. As that happened, I was put back where I began at Arcueid's corpse.

"Holy shit..." I panted as sweat dripped down my face. This was real.

In this moment, I came to the realization that Eltnum is making me tame Nanaya. She isn't making it easy for me either. I have to accept that it is part of me, and in order to do that, I have to let go and let myself kill Satsuki.

I mentally prepared myself and switched the scenarios. Satsuki was running at me as fast as she could. I ran at her, getting ready to slash her. However, as soon as I got close enough, she stopped and stood still. The moment I was about to slice her head off, I stopped before I could hit a death line.

"Life is such an important thing; never take it for granted."

I quoted something similar to what Aoko told me once...

"Come on, you need to kill her!!!" Nanaya yelled in my head.

"N-No!!!" I yelled

My eyes darted open, and I sat up in a cold sweat.

"This isn't going to work..." Sion claimed

"Wh-why not??" I asked

"Look, if you can't kill Satsuki as you are now, even knowing it is a cognitive version, you aren't ready to face Kishima. I know Ryougi must have some effects on your mental state, but remember, it is a version of her you mentally created; she isn't physically here."Sion explained

"I-I know!!!" I yelled

Riesbyfe rolled over and sighed. Sion looked over. "You were awake?" She questioned

"Yeah, and I have been listening, so why don't you put Shiki in a memory where he has no choice but to face Kishima, and I don't mean Tohno Shiki, I mean Nanaya Shiki?" she said.

"Okay, I can try to root in his mind," Sion said gently.

Satsuki slammed her fist into the back of my head, roughly knocking me out. I could tell she was annoyed by me. Still, when I woke up, I saw Kishima standing over the bloody, mangled corpses of my family, the Nanaya clan. He had brutalized them with his bare hands.

"No..." I involuntarily muttered

This memory is one Nanaya has not shared with me; he is afraid of it. It is why our chests throb all the time and the reason why I almost died of anemia.

I was punched and sent crashing into bodies. Blood poured all over me. He quickly picked me up one handed and threw me through three walls.

"Where are you!?" Kishima yelled

"Wake up, Tohno!" Nanaya yelled

"No, we have to fight!" I shouted

"I found you," Kishima stated.

I was too loud and compromised my position under the debris. I was kicked up and hit with a barrage of punches. I couldn't even take one before, and now I was forced to take like fourteen of them.

"Shit..." I growled

Kishima looked around as some odd-looking mist suddenly appeared.

"Hehehe..." he began to laugh.

"What?" I asked.

"See you soon," he said.

"Huh?" I questioned.

I was immediately snapped back into reality and looked around. Sion was panicked.

"The Tatari went off during the day," she muttered.

"Eh? What does that mean?" Satsuki asked her worryingly.

"It's tonight," she claimed.

"The Night of Wallachia is tonight!?" Riesbyfe questioned

"Yeah, but I think he may prolong it; he decided to pull things out of us now instead of doing it at night, so he must need a little more time to finish us off." Sion explained

"Hold it, so are you going to tell me Kishima is real now?" I asked

"One from your memories, yes..." Sion said

I gulped after hearing that. I hope I won't have to fight that.

"Our battle plan is still the same!!" Riesbyfe claimed

"Not necessarily," Sion said.

"Why?" Riesbyfe asked

"If my father isn't coming after me immediately, we will have to wait, and in the meantime, the church won't be able to handle all the tatari creatures," she said.

"So what is the change?" Satsuki asked

"The same cour three will protect me, but Shiki, you, and Akiha must take care of Kishima." Sion said

"I-hold it what it Akiha builds up damage!?" I asked

"She can regenerate; besides, we need to draw enough attention for him to find me, and then once he is on the perimeter, we will activate Kohaku's transporter going to the manor," Sion said.

I know she is right, but this isn't what I want. I don't want to fight him...

The final night draws near and the final battle is about to commence...

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