Third Personality

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Satsuki pov: I stared at Shiki. He looked as cold as ever, but his personality seemed colder, like she had no remorse for anything or anyone. The presence of the new personality sent chills down my spine. "I asked who you are..." the girl said, tapping me on the shoulder. I couldn't tell if she was mad at me or not. "I'm Satsuki Yumizuka!" I said frantically, trying not to look at Shiki in fear.

"Do you have strawberry ice cream?" Ryougi asked, sitting down next to me. Alice thought about it before answering, "We may have it in the freezer. Do you like it?" She asked Ryougi shook her head. "I hate it." She sighed, getting up to go grab the ice cream. We all looked in confusion as Shiki got the confectionary and started eating it

"I'm not at full power. The drugs definitely have weakened me and I can't feel VOID any more." Ryougi sighed, slightly gagging from the taste of the ice cream. "Besides, I don't have the prothstetic arm Touko gave me either," she mumbled, getting Aoko's attention.

"You know my sister, she sure gets around," Aoko said leisurely. While trying to kiss Alice, Ryougi glared at her, "Touko is my mentor and boss." Ryougi sighed, finishing her ice cream. She looked as if she was going to puke.

I instinctually went to pat her back to help her so she wouldn't puke. "What are you doing?" She coldly asked, glaring at me with a soulless "I'm sorry!" I blurted out as I covered my face. I peeked at her between the crack of my hand and noticed a slight smile on her face.

"We can't do much until Shiki and Akiha recover." Sion sighed, so she stood up and went to the freezer. "Do you want anything, Ries?" She asked Riesbyfe, who nodded "Any ice cream flavor will do." She said Sion grabbed the first thing she saw and gave it to her. Riesbyfe looked at Alice and laughed. "Ries huh, what a cute nickname," she teased, making Riesbyfe embarrassed.

"Saachin, do you want ice cream or a popsicle?" Sion asked me if I chose to have a popsicle. She tossed me a red one, reminding me of blood, "Don't go stealing all my sweets!" Aoko yelled, using her magic to shut the freezer, "Aoko, they're our guests. Be nice." Alice scoffed, and we watched as they started an argument over something as trivial as this.

The man from earlier walked in. He was about to speak but Aoko and Alice blasted them with their magic, knocking him out. "Who is that?" I asked, concerned about the man's well being. "That's just an idiot that lives here." Alice groaned, glaring at Aoko. "Don't tell me you are still angry about that. It's been ten years!" Aoko cried, causing Alice to burst out laughing.

"You are such a child, Aoko," Alice giggled, standing up before Aoko could cuddle her again and trap her on the couch. "Come back!" Aoko whined as she stood up and lunged towards Alice, but she couldn't latch onto her due to her dodging. "How old are you?" Alice sighed, sitting back on the couch. "At least we aren't like this, right Sion?" Riesbyfe asked if she just looked up in confusion. "Sorry I wasn't listening," she said, making me burst out laughing.

"We really are a dysfunctional team," I giggled as everyone glared at me. "That's what makes us strong." Sion sighed, immediately turning her attention to Shiki. "What are you doing?" She asked, noticing she was going for her knife. I just heard a bloodcurdling laugh. "This body urges me to kill three of you." She laughed as if she had lost all reason. She grabbed the knife and went to swing at me, but she caught her own arm, stopping herself. "No, I will not lose to a dormant personality!" She screamed. It looked as if she was trying to rip his arm off.

"Shiki stop!" I called out, grabbing his arm trying to stop Ryougi from ripping it off. I noticed the knife inching towards my neck but Sion's wire wrapped around it. "It seems like the girl doesn't have full control of this body. Another personality wants to take over," Alice said. Aoko walked up behind Shiki and put a finger to the back of his head and zapped him. "That should wake him up fully," she said, seeming to snap Ryougi back into reality.

"You have explaining to do. White Len said, Shiki only has two personalities, but you seem to be a third." Sion said with a distrustful tone, "Who are you?" Riesbyfe asked, slowly reaching her. Gamaliel Ryougi cocked her head in confusion, "I don't know who I am or how I got her. I don't remember much before I was in timespace." She said, "It also seems I can't switch back to Shiki right now for some reason." She said, I could tell she had no clue what was happening.

"I believe her. Let's just hear her out!" I said that was good enough for Sion as she backed down immediately after, "Saachin, I agree, but if she attacks you again, I won't back down." Sion said as she relaxed and gestured for Ryougi to keep talking.

"It's odd that even though I'm attached to this body, I don't feel like I'm physically here. I can sense my original somewhere else. It's like I am me but I am also someone else," she said. Riesbyfe, Arcueid, and I didn't seem to grasp it, but Sion, Aoko, and Alice did, "So you are like a spirit, a cognition, or a phantasmal being, right?" Sion asked Ryougi nodded, "Something like that," she said.

"There must be some reason you are bound to Shiki. Do you have any ideas?" Alice asked as Aoko got back on top of her Ryougi shook her head in dismay. "Well then, I guess you'll have to find out while you recover," Alice said as she finally broke and held Aoko in a tight embrace. Ryougi just nodded, glaring at me, "I'm sorry about earlier. I promise I won't kill you." She said. I thought about it and started to question myself, "Am I about to trust Shiki again?"

Under the Blood Moon जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें