So Much Love In The Family

Start from the beginning

They looked at each other speechless.
She went to work on a case with her team virtually for three hours, but she always took breaks and checked on her wife.

Gina and Her doctor friend, Dr Miller, called it a day after hours and hours of research and brainstorming.

He went to the guestroom cause he was a guest in the house.
Gina went to see her sister.
She sat on her bed brushing her hair. Fantasia opened her eyes. "Hey you," She said sitting up straight. "Hey, Pretty girl," Gina said taking her sister's hand.
"You know sis, when mom died, I couldn't take it. I went from therapy to therapy just to breathe above water. My life took a toll on me, I couldn't recognize myself and I was full of hate. I hated Dad, I hated his mistress, Gosh, I still hate that woman so much. And I hated you, for being more like mom, and I hated Gabi for being a child. Like who had time to raise her huh? I was a mess, I was broken into tiny small pieces. I loathed home, I left and my life became more and more difficult. I drowned myself in doing research and methods and that's how I became me, but I promised myself that nothing and no one is gonna take from me again, so I know I gotta fix this because if I lose you, this time I won't make it because Tasia you and Gabi means the whole world to me, I just have a weird way of showing it. So fight 'cause I'm fighting for you, Taraji is fighting for you. Okay?"

"Okay. actually...The drug you prescribed this morning, really makes me feel a lot better after taking it."
"Really, 'cause if that's working. I have a plan B"

"It's working great. I think if I keep taking it, I might be out of this bed and in my bed in a couple of days. Don't tell my wife, I don't wanna give her false hope"

"I know I'm horrible at keeping secrets but this I promise I will keep. Thank you for telling me this. I feel hopeful and happy." Fantasia squeezed her sister's hand. "you are my hero Regina. My brilliant sister hero. Thank you for everything!"

"The pleasure is my baby girl. Let me go to the hotel, and see my cracky wife. I will be back later"

Fantasia chuckled. "stop settling it is a lot of unnecessary headaches, trust me I know. I settled for a long time. You love Lisa and she's crazy about you. And she's here, I'm sorry but, if it was me...I wouldn't go anywhere that she isn't. It ain't worth it"

"I invested a lot in Beth, and stupid me, I'm investing in Lisa too. What's wrong with me?"

"Nothing, you are generous. But the investment is not the same honey." Fantasia said. "Correct me"

"you invested time, resources, energy, connection and network, and money. That is a business deal. A smart one cause you are on her campaign's payroll now. That was smart. Now with Lisa-- you are just pulling a Barrino sister on her ass, you are whipped. You bought her a car and pays her apartment, right? She shops, and she has an allowance? You are whipped. And since she's younger, you are her sugar daddy" Fantasia laughed hard

"Like you are any better. You raised Taraji with your money"
"that's it!"
"I always knew that she reminded me of someone. Young, alone, orphan, so beautiful, funny, smart. Lisa is your Taraji"

Fantasia said figuring it out. Gina already knew that.
"yes! They are a lot alike. My fear of letting her in is what if I lose her--
"you won't lose Lisa. You never even lost Taraji is just that she was not yours, she was your sister's. Lisa? Baby, she's crazy about you. Is about time you let her in"

"what about my wife?"

"what about her? Huh? I mean what about my late husband? I shouldn't be happy? What about Beth? Be happy with Lisa. Just don't get caught, you need this" Fantasia said.

Gina sighed. "later." she kissed her sister and walked out.

She was leaving when Lisa walked from the kitchen. "Wifey calling?" Lisa asked. Gina turned. "no! I just- I, need to check on her" Gina said. "she's lucky. You checked in with her three times today. All you said to me was, morning, I hope you slept well, I have work to do, then you just... walked away" Lisa said. "She's my wife,"
." and I can't compete with that. So, I'm going home. Tomorrow, the first flight to London"

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