"I told you yesterday that I'm taking care of someone's gear right? That person, I'm not sure they'd be comfortable if I'm accepting rides from you like that."

"Ohhh! You're right. I guess it would seem like we'd be more than friends but it's all innocent. Right?"

"I mean, I can talk with them. I already told them about you."

Mild froze for a second then horror painted her face. "She doesn't think I'm trying to steal her boyfriend, does she? P! Is she going to come and slap me around?"

Arthit let out a soulful laugh as they waited for the elevator. Other employees turned to look at him and immediately snickered, realizing he was with Mild.

"Aw to be young and in love," one of them commented.

Arthit rolled his eyes and turned to Mild.

"No, she's not going to come slap you around," Arthit said the words easily but then he himself was frozen. He realized that he'd referred to Kong as 'she' and so did Mild. Should I correct myself? Should I correct her? But—would Mild be okay with the fact that I'm gay? No, I'm not gay! I just love Kong—I

His thoughts were cut off by Mild pushing him towards the now open elevators.

"What did she say, P?" Mild whispered.

"That it wasn't right. But if we don't cross the line it's okay and not to openly declare to anyone that me and you are dating," Arhit replied, avoiding all pronouns. "About you just wanting me as a big brother, it's fine."

"Good," Mild nodded. They got off the elevator and Mild waved at him. "I'll see you at lunch." When Arthit got to his desk, he sent a quick message to Kong.

Arthit: Mild volunteered to pick me up and drop me off. Will you be okay with that?

My Moon: That's too domestic P.

Arthit: I can tell her no.

My Moon: Ugh, no it's alright. My mind will be settled if you get a ride home especially on the days you're tired and overworked. I don't want to be an overbearing boyfriend but you know how I am with you.

Arthit: You're possessive, I know that Kong.

My Moon: I hate that I have to be separated from you. Times like these I wish we were the same age because then we'd both be working and I wouldn't still be in university not able to see you how I want to.

By the tone of the message, Arthit knew that Kong had to be pouting.

Arthit: Stop it Kong. You have two more years and then you'll be free from university. The fourth year you'll be so wrapped up in graduating that you won't even notice the time how it moves quickly, then we'll be together often, okay? Besides, we've changed things around. Now we will see each other during the week and we still have our time together on the weekends. When you have a break from school I can put in for some time off and we can vacation together. Don't worry so much Kong. It puts strain on our relationship and I don't want us to start bickering and fighting again because we're stressing. Okay?

My Moon: Okay, P 😊. I love you so much. Even if I know it makes you shy for me to say that. And it's fine, Mild can pick you up and drop you home from work. But if she ends up falling in love with you, I swear....

Arthit: Stop it. I'm not that charming. Even Namtan didn't want me. No one thinks I'm charming but you. I have to go now. Let's chat later.

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