How Taraji Met Tasia

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"Love is Toxic. The same love is powerful, the same love is beautiful. Halle the same love stinks. That's love, it is not perfect in its perfection. How did you find out you came from three human beings, you never told me the story." Hailey asked fastening a towel.

"because You moved. With your girlfriend. I heard you stay together. Like my parents used to."

"I moved out last summer. I called you, but you never picked up. You were through with me. But baby I'm back. For you. I'm here now,"

"you gonna go back next semester!"

"No. My dad is trying to get me a transfer back. I missed my parents and my twin brother. You. I missed my girl, I hurt you when I left and I hurt us. I'm very sorry,"

"You gonna stay for me? but Kris is going back?"

"Yes, she is. It's not about her. It's about us. So now, while I get dressed. Tell me how you find out" Hailey said. Halle blushed. Hailey kissed her. "I missed the way you smell."

AT KELLY's Apartment!

Fantasia broke in and walked in, Kelly was shaking. Fantasia was carrying gasoline
"Chief, please. Let me explain"

"please do tell me how a woman like me, who works so freaking hard gets to be threatened by your type," Fantasia said turning the stove on.

"I gave you your life!" she said pulling and splashing the gasoline everywhere.
"Taraji Help me!" Kelly screamed. Fantasia paused. Taraji appeared from the bedroom.

They looked at each other.
"Baby she's a child. She didn't know what she was putting herself Into. She's stupid, look at her, just a stupid uninformed little girl. She's only a couple of years older than our first. Look at her and think if this was Jack. She's a baby honey, I realized that and I forgave her and you can too. I think she worked for you way too long She was starting to picture you as her mom. The whole family is her family. Look at her behavior past two months. She would try to win Jack over, behave like Halle, that barging in our bedroom thing? That's Halle's thing. She's just trying to be one of us. Forgive her baby please turn off the stove" Taraji begged her crazy wife.

Fantasia sighed and turned it off.
Kelly exhaled.
"But I can fire her!" Fantasia said. "no baby no, please. Give her a remote job for now. She will work from here and report to Halle and the team will report to you. She's good at her job you know it. You need her as much as she needs you. It's a fair warning, one mistake you can set her on fire. I won't even object" Taraji said.

"yes please, Senator. Please I will behave myself"

"she told you she lied about the baby?"


"Halle told me how you can do anything for your wife and I thought well since her wife doesn't want me here, she might fire me, so I came up with a way to make Taraji like me. I couldn't think of anything better at that moment. So I lied to buy me time to get on her good side again"

Fantasia scoffed. "wait, Halle said that? Oh my gosh, my daughter thinks I'm pussy whipped. Shit!"
Taraji started laughing but tried not to burst out loud
"Not funny. Is it your fault for making me look all weak?
My daughter probably thinks less of me... Shit!"

Taraji was still laughing. "Taraji don't do that I'm still holding a good amount of gasoline"

"oh please, baby. You can never threaten me and get it right. You can never hurt me. I'm your wife." Taraji said walking closer.
"I bet I can take that gasoline from your hand," Taraji said and took it. They started kissing. "you are such a drug Taraji Barrino!" Fantasia said. "a good one Mrs Henson. Now, let's race home" Taraji said hurrying out. Fantasia pulled her back. "I'm not racing home and neither is my wife. I'm not becoming a ghost or a widow ma'am. This idiot will bring my car when she comes to get hers." Fantasia said tossing her car keys.

The Department! Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora