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The call is a three way. I prepare to make adjustments for both my protection and the display options. "Hello and good noon."

"Good noon, sir." The two managers greet.

"There are new arrangements to discuss. Starting with the updates done with security. As of now, the roster has a total of 3 thousand men. I'm in need of your highest package to double the force."

"Is there a threat we should know about?" The security manager is curious as to why this is occurring.

"I've acquired new relations since the last EXPO. Meaning I have more people to protect...not just myself. My wife and in laws will be present. This is an extra precaution." I omit the part about the Mafia. There's no real cause for concern yet. Only warnings. Hopefully, it stays that way. Until then, everyone in my vicinity will be cloaked under the satellite.

"Good to know."

"As for the stage crew, a shipment will arrive by 6pm. New hologram tech to display virtual additions."

"So are there no more physical products in the showcase?" The stage manager queries.

"No, there will be both, a hybrid innovation."

"That'll be interesting, I'll inform my crew."

"Thank you. See you both in 3 weeks." I terminate the call and leave the office. I feel I'm well enough to be around her again, now that I distracted my brain.

I find Madi preparing brunch. Mimosas and a bowl of yogurt and fruit. She adds a shot of cognac to orange juice, then places the bowl on the table. "Hey boner killer."

I snigger and kiss her. "Are you ready for fun?"

Madi raises both of her brows and bites her bottom lip. "Yes..."

"I'm talking about Paris." I sigh. "Clean your mind, Mrs. Harrison."

"No...Mr. Harrison." She smirks. I take a seat, only for her to sit across my lap like a child. She feeds me the yogurt. "We definitely have to go back to that field. Maybe have a picnic. Oh! Bike riding would be fun." Her bright eyed enthusiasm lifts my spirits. I love when she's all hyped up. "The air balloon too. I want to recreate the moment with our rings." She scoops the spoon out of my mouth. "Where else are we going?"

"All my favorite places."


"That's a surprise. Trust me, you'll love the next 3 weeks."

"3 weeks?" My baby gasps. "Wow, that long?!"

"Prepare to be spoiled."

She hands me a glass and take one for herself. "To being spoiled...for the both of us." Madi does a toast and clings her glass to mine.

The first place we go is the open field. The piece of green heaven bathed in sunlight. The white horses graze the rolling hills. Madi choose to wear a red and white polka dot dress. Very vintage and elegant. A Marylin Monroe halter top type. We have a picnic here, complete with the iconic blanket and basket.

The boxy blanket brings back memories of quality time with my family. They weren't always horrible. We had good days. Fun times. I guess that'll forever be in the past. I shoo away the depressing thought and share a string of cranberry spaghetti with my bunny. We replicate the scene from Lady And The Tramp. I love the taste of her saucy lips. We sip on fruity black tea with hints of vanilla, caramel, and lemony bergamot.

Sinsation (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now