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We begin with the basic tango. 8 steps. Backward walk. Salida. Outside step. Cruzada. Tango close. Our arms out to the side, in a perfect L shape. Our fingers intertwined. Our legs flow as one, gliding the wood floors. The entire crowd synchronizes with us. Mirror us to the exact inch. Down to posture and pose. The dance is slow. Slow enough that every catty glare is visible. My eyes sizzle at a pack of scolded women. 

"Keep your eyes on me...not them." Jace turns my chin his way. I lift it up and follow his rhythm. I keep a tight formation, loose and fluid. Same as him. He's right. I need to focus. We've trained for this. I can't fail him. Forget those hoes. 

I let out a long breath to let go of the drama. Jace and I sway in a circle, moving position as we do. Five fluid paces to the left, then the right. We glide the floor, same as the rest of the crowd. Then repeat in perfect harmony. There are judges watching from a booth above. Jace told me this was a competition. The group analyzes our every step. Pierre and Nicky are present, surveying the dancers. A screen keeps score of each partner. I glance at our rank. J&M: 2.5. I draw my attention back to the tango. Now with a fierce demeanor. Jace grins at my competitive eyes. 

The forward and backward Ocho. Pivoting, creating a figure 8 motion. Next is the Sandwich, sweep, then carousel. A dance walk, twist in one. Single axis Turn. Double, Triple axis. Clockwise. Counterclockwise. Triple feet Drag, left and right. Every arm, body, and leg shift is flawless. All spins are smooth, no choppiness. I relax my tensed shoulders. 

Relax...I got this.

An advanced carousel is next. Again, everyone on the floor whirl, this time in wider glides. 8 long twist to the left, then repeated for the right. 360 turns. I'm dizzy, but I can't let that distract me. I fight it off. I can't mess up the switch off. The three axis are repeated, single, double, triple. Our legs lock in Gancho figures, crossing while keeping in sync with the music.

A dip is next. I bend to make a U shape with my back. The arch is kept while Jace lifts me back up. I rest one leg against his thigh, the other is pointed like a ballerina. My silver heels sparkle. We share a longing glance, confident and spicy. I love how impressed he is. "Switch." Jace throws me into a spin.

I switch partners. Performing the tango fan through an oval of men, same as the other women. I connect arms flawlessly. Outward fan motion with an underarm turn. My feet flow like water. I incorporate sidekicks as I switch on. It's odd dancing with other men. I can't wait to return to Jace. I hate this part.

I search for Jace in the dance assembly. I browse while keeping to the notes. For this part, we pause to imitate a medieval palm dance, firm steps, and distanced hands as we circle one another. A curly redhead dances with Jace. There's a smug look in her eyes. She rubs this in my face as if I've lost him... As if she's won him. He's mine!

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