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"Don't cry

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"Don't cry...it'll be okay." I rub the middle of her back and use a relaxing tone.

"How can you say that? What if the protests never end...?"

"The mob will move on to another target, that's how it works."

"I don't know..." Madi buries her head into my chest. "I don't know if I want the studio anymore." Her voice is so tiny...so vulnerable.

"Don't give up. Backing down from the launch will make you seem guilty." I heave a sigh. "I know this is a lot, but you just gotta hang on."

"What if I can't?" My bunny mumbles, defeatedly.

"You can." I snuggle her all the way home. Her eyes are red. A popping vein in her forehead concerns me. The news shattered her. I have to fix this. Today was supposed to be a day for celebrating. I have to cheer Madi up.

Helen greets us in the foyer. "Hello, dear fiancés." She grins.

"Hi, Helen." Madi's tone is hoarse. She sounds exhausted.

"Are you getting a cold?" Hel worries, she checks Madi's temperature, placing a palm to her forehead.

"No...I'm just a little tired."

"You'll love the sunroom," I suggest. "There's a daybed, you should take a nap. And maybe have some tea."

"I recommend ginger with lemon and turmeric."

"That sounds great, thank you." She gives me a sweet hug before departing. Our maid shows her the way. I let out a sigh.

The yacht outing can't happen today, she's conflicted. There has to be another way to lighten her mood. She thinks everyone is against her.

Helen returns, making her way across to the kitchen. "Wait."

She halts and spins around. "What can I do for you?"

"Madison could use some positivity."

"What has her so down?"

"False allegations."

"Ah, the usual...I should have figured that."

"Maybe reading fan mail will help."

"Oh, that's perfect, I'll gather the sweetest ones."

"Thank you."


I need space. I can't be strong like Jace wants me to be. My soul tore apart. My heart broke. Hearing people make me out to be a monster. Being called a pedophile! This is too much! This world is too much! This life is too much! I didn't want to say this, but Jace would have probably taken it the wrong way. He's not the problem here...but hearing me admit this would've made him feel like he was. I'm not as strong as him.

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