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The message is convincing

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The message is convincing...but why didn't she call? Saying this through text is underwhelming. I can't really judge her voice to know if her words are sincere. I'm not sure if I forgive her 100%. The text swayed me. I'd say I'm halfway there. Maybe a few more days. I go to Twitter to post from my business account. I post five times a week for my fan base and social media presence. I'm in the mood to tease the NASA deal. I post: Take a guess? 🚀😈 

The typical response time is usually 3 to 5 seconds before interactions roll in. Heart and comments blink as numbers under the post. I usually don't read the responses but I do this time to see if any guesses are right. Will anyone figure out the space trip pods?

DDKing: Let me guess, you're taking the two-timing slut to space? #CutOutTheHart

(1 reply)

GinnyWest: Come on, dude, this post has nothing to do with her. At least comment in the right place 🙄

TysinB: New reverse engineer crafts???

I click off, knowing worse is to come. Two-timing slut? That must be what the news is calling Madi. I rarely keep up with tabloids...or let them sway me. But that was a two-timing move she did. I thought she was leaving me when Alonso told me she was with her ex. From the outside looking in, that's what it seemed like. 

It appeared as if Madi was using me. It almost makes me wonder if she truly wants to settle down...or if she wants a fantasy of being chased after. Of being pursued by two men. It makes me wonder if I fell too fast for her. Do I know her well enough? Now that I'm away from her, I can think clearly. Think without love goggles blinding my rationality. 

Is she really in love with me? Did I move too fast? Give too much? I was ready to propose. Ready to do something I never thought I would. I planned to be single all my life. Until the grave. Now, look at me. Fretting over a woman. A woman I'd love to make children with. 

I want to give Madi the child she dreams of. And then some. My ideal number of kids is three, same as my parents. I want to grow old with Madi and tell our crazy love story to our children till our last days. And let them know that love at first sight is real. 

But that's not likely now. I hope I'm wrong. Is it still possible? Can we get past this? I go back to her text to analyze. She said there's still a bond and claims it's not a romantic one. Can I trust that it's not? That it won't be in the future? Madison said she loves me, not him. I read the last sentence of the text:

I promise to do better and move on. Please forgive me.

I should call...but I don't want to do anything rash. I need more time to judge if this can work. If we can move past this. I click off the phone and walk to the rainy windows to stare off pensively. I still want her. I can't throw away all the investment...if I do, I'll go back to my playboy roots.

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