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I get a text from Jace:

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I get a text from Jace:

My sister and mother are waiting at the pool. I'll see you tomorrow my little devil 🤍

I text back:


We're getting married tomorrow! It's finally here. These 3 weeks have felt like a lifetime. Especially with everything that's happened. The family feud. Jace's fake love child. The crazy woman with the knife. The earring bombs. The attack on my studio. The mafia. I've lived multiple lifetimes of trials and tribulations.

No...let me correct that. We've lived it. Jace and I. We overcame everything...every challenge and disagreement. Our love only grew stronger. He's my heart...and I'm his. That should be a part of my vows. I'll have to write them tonight. I end my zoning out and come back to reality. "They're waiting for us."

"The salty bitches." Lil's eyes slit with loathing. "Let's go return the favor." My sis's Napoleon complex is hilarious. A tiny wrecking ball. I love her devotion to me. Lil leads the way. My mom loops her arm into mine.

Jess hustles to catch up to her boo. "No swinging."

"Oh, right...the bat. I totally forgot. We'll have to make a stop." I laugh out loud at her ability to say this in a leveled tone.

The mall is our first stop. Mom and I wait by the elevator while Lil and Jess browse for a baseball bat. "The nerve of that woman!" My mom stews in anger. "I have so many names to call her." She places her hands on her hips and pace back and forth. "She's going to wish she was never born. Her and her daughter!"

"Don't start the drag train without us." Lil rounds the corner with a metal bat. "All aboard!" Her boss bitch walk is so badass. Did she practice it?? I find her hasty walking amusing.

I can't lie and say I don't want a resolution. I do. No way can I sit back and let Mrs. Harrison win. My comfortability with being a victim has to end. The bitches await us at the poolside. Lil approaches them fast. So fast that she incites fear.

Mrs. Harrison stands, toppling a lawn chair over. The baseball bat has her sweating bullets. "What's the meaning of this??!!"

"WhAt'S ThE MeAnInG oF ThIs??" Lil clowns her. "Sit your plastic ass down." She threateningly jerks her chin towards the chair. "Or I'll make you." My sis effortlessly twirls the bat around. You'd think she was in the pro league by how she handles it.

My mother-in-law eyes me for an explanation. I don't think her panic is fake. "Madison, please!"

"Don't you fucking talk to her!" My mom bellows.

Lil paces forward, still swinging the bat around, helicoptering it. "I won't repeat myself."

"MOM SIT DOWN! THEY'RE ALL CRAZY!" Kim pulls at her mother's dress. She leans far back in her chair. I spot her legs shaking.

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