Halle was speechless. "Vic is a musician, a celebrity that should watch what she does and with whom at all times, but that Halle, never stopped her from accepting me and how I make her feel. She chose me a thousand times when Fantasia couldn't, Vic chose me. But if I'm asking a lot from you to treat her like my future wife... that's okay, you can just not include her. It's up to you and you have your reasons," Taraji said and went to her room.

Halle's birthday.
Fantasia bought her a new car
She celebrated away from family and then came home after midnight. Which was now technically Thanksgiving and not her birthday anymore.

Knock on the door.
"is that grandpa already?" Jack asked Fantasia. "This early? I doubt it. His old ass is slow as fuck, but don't tell him I said that" Fantasia said making her son laugh.

She jogged to the door.
Her heart pounded looking at Taraji on the other side of the door.


"dinner is not until 7," Fantasia said. "yeah I know. I'm so sorry for just dropping by. Halle, I didn't see her for her birthday, I didn't get to sing for her and give her this" Taraji said holding a present box.

"She is still sleeping but, you can come in," Fantasia said. "thank you so much"

"Morning Ma," Jack said and kissed her. Taraji then walked to Halle's room.

She placed the present on the nightstand and kissed her. "Happy belated birthday my Angel." she whispered. "thanks Mom", Halle said smiling with her eyes closed. She woke up and opened her present.

It was Louboutin High Hills, which cost almost the same as her car. She gasped. "oh my gosh Mom. This is..."

"Vic was wearing them one time you were in DC with us. You kept looking at them. I knew you liked them so, I saved up and here we go"

"I love them, mom. Thank you so much. Wait what is this?" she asked picking a diamond bracelet from the box.

"that's mine from your mom. Yesterday you sounded hurt by the fact that we broke up. So I thought if you have that bracelet with our initials and a heart in the middle, you can be comforted by the fact that we do love each other it is just complicated." Taraji said.

Halle hugged her. "thank you," she said. Taraji nodded "I love my gift Mom, and I love you so much. I'm sorry for being --"

"I'm your mom, so I understand you more than anything. And I'm not mad, I just want you to be happy"
.halle nodded. Taraji left the room.

She physically bumped into Fantasia who was covered in flour all over her. Taraji gasped. "what the fuck?" she asked laughing at Fantasia  "You cooking? Man I should order pizza"

Fantasia playful hit her, Taraji laughed/ they looked at each other. Fantasia frowned and then continued to walk away. Taraji swallowed hard.
She turned "Tasia!" Fantasia ignored her and disappeared into the walls.

Jack looked at her mother from the kitchen entrance. he then let out his hand to receive. "What?"

"Remember when you said yes to Vic's proposal and I told you it was a mistake 'cause all you want is mom, you said I was crazy and we bet on it. Your credit card was the prize. so, please hand it over"

"I'm over her!" Taraji said with a serious look on her face.
"It's cute how you believe that Mom. but you are not over Fantasia Barrino and I will have you admit it before you go back to DC, that's if you will go back to DC," Jack said mocking his mother

Taraji swallowed hard. "see you at Dinner Mother," he said. "and yes, mama is cooking. Grilling And baking And you will love it. She cooked for us once and it was delicious. The woman does everything right, I see why she got you wrapped around her little finger."

"Don't forget who you are talking to boy.."
"I will never forget. You are my beautiful mother. The woman who raised me on her back. The woman who loves too hard because she believes in love. The woman I love very much. All this is out of love Mom not disrespect."

"See you tonight. Your dad is coming right?"

"yes and Mrs. Harlow, Grandpa Ben and his cute little assistant, my girlfriend Anna, JJ, Auntie Gabi's boo, who else...uh, Oh some guy named Hunter"

"Hunter Davis?" Taraji asked. "Yeah, you know him?"

"yeah, he is your mother's Ex" Taraji said and walked away. Jack laughed. "This should be fun."
He said spinning and moonwalking.

Welcome Back...
I thought it would be a while but my schedule is flexible with me working at home, so I thought I should spoil y'all while I can.

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