Her Deadly Signature

Start from the beginning

Fantasia texted him to come home.

*I am not coming home anytime soon. I will cancel the Paris trip. I don't know what you have been up to but I think you need space*
He replied.

"Dad left in a hurry huh? Work?" Halle asked joining her on the couch. "no. Me! I made him upset" she said. "and he was taking us to Paris," Fantasia told her daughter.

"what? You upset Dad while he was taking all of us on our trip. Our dream trip. Mom how selfish!" Halle said. "I can still take you," she said. "Will Dad be there?"

"no baby. But your brothers will be there"
Halle had mixed feelings. She stormed out.
."now I wish this was my worst-case scenario that lived only in my head," Fantasia said

Her phone beeped.
*It's September 25th. I Remembered. It is your 16th anniversary. You didn't forget did you?*
It was a Message from her baby sister Gabi

*I did. Then I was reminded. It was going great until I fuck it up bad* She responded.

*He can always count on you to do that. You are good at that. So I heard you met Miley*

*not my fine moment.*

*especially cause you called her unimportant and temporarily here. I'm disappointed*

*🙄Gabi is this supposed to make me feel like you care about me or my feelings?*

*You are my sister, I gotta pretend I care at some point*

*Well don't!. It is irritating*

*well you know what I wish for you big sis? I wish Taraji would Accept Miley's proposal, cause I advised her to propose. You ain't shit*

*you ain't too grown for me to kick your behind, you know that right?*

Fantasia picked up her car keys and drove to her sister's house.

She used her key to unlock the door and invited herself in.
Gabi laughed. "you are fun to play with," she said Fantasia squeezed her eyes, and Gabi ran. Fantasia chased her, she caught her. They fell together and started laughing

"you staying the night right?" Gabi asked. "you want me to?"
"then I am staying over," Fantasia said embracing her sister. Gabi closed her eyes like she was sleeping in her arms.
"you didn't just tell your friend to propose to my Taraji did you?"

"I did. I thought it would be fun" Gabi said chuckling. Fantasia smacked her. Gabi laughed hard. "it took me to text you to visit?" Gabi sounded sad now.
"I've been trying to understand my love life, and my whole life. Jack knows the Truth and I was trying to be there for him".

"Finally. Does Halle know her Truth?"

Fantasia shook her head. "Halle knowing the truth will mean Ken will know the Truth and they both will hate me. So one child at a time is what I'm doing."

Gabi nodded. "at least you were busy. I would hate to think you have important people in your life who are far more important than me"

"oh, baby girl no. Don't ever think that. You are my blood. No filter, so I love and care about you as much as I do these people. You all are important. You are all my peeps. I raised you like I raised Halle and Josh, and now I wanna raise Jack as well. You all are my people."

"and Taraji and Ken? How do they both fit in all this?"

"Ken is my husband"
"and Raji?"

"if you believe in soul tie. That's where Taraji fits, in my soul. and in a way... I raise her ass too"

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