Butt Dial Your Speed Dial

Start from the beginning

There were three DNA. Taraji and two anonymous intruders who appeared to be male.

Jack left with Halle and the team to the hospital. Fantasia was still at the crime scene. She looked upset.
"Coffee, Chief?" her PA offered.

"no, but Scotch, sure would be nice. Neat" She said.
"Should I go to the store, Chief?"
"no, check her trashcan, it must have a false floor underneath, there is scotch and whiskey there."
The girl raised a confused eyebrow.

"trust me" Fantasia assured her.
"Need I remind you this is an apartment, not a house?"

"she wouldn't stay here if she couldn't have her stach place"

The girl went to the trashcan, she found exactly as described. "whoa!"
She spat and poured a neat glass for her boss.

Fantasia gulped the drink and handed back the empty glass. "should I turn a car around for you? Your husband has been calling none stop"

"I'm not leaving. But you should before it gets too late" She said. The girl checked her wristwatch. it was only 9 pm.
She nodded and patted Fantasia on the shoulder before leaving.

Fantasia was left there with two police officers.

Halle called her to notify her that Taraji was awake. She took a cab to the hospital.

Stepping into the room, their eyes instantly locked.
"Trying to die on me?" Fantasia joked. "well, I didn't try hard enough," Taraji replied. Fantasia curled her lips and twirled closer.
The kids were not in the room. "You scared me" Fantasia whispered after a few beats of being silent. She was looking down. Her fingers found Taraji's. She lifted her eyes and looked at her.
Taraji pulled her hand away. Fantasia swallowed hard.
"you are done. I'm alive. You can go home now"
Taraji whispered. Fantasia scratched her head. She was frustrated.
"I'm not done Taraji"
"you are. Go home" Tarji commanded.
"what about the people who did this to you? How do I fall asleep knowing they might come back?"

"They won't."
"You don't know that"
"Tasia, please. Go home" Taraji snapped. Fantasia felt defeated. "at least call--"
"yeah go" Taraji injected before Fantasia could complete her sentence. She knew she was never gonna call.

Fantasia took a deep breath. They heard footsteps. Jack and Halle walked in
"Mommy, can Jack sleep over tonight? I mean their apartment is officially a crime scene and he told me he's scared"
"I didn't say scared"
"yes, you did" Halle added.

"can he?" fantasia asked Taraji. Taraji nodded a little, it took everything in her to agree. It was for her son's safety.

"Thanks, mom. Visitation is almost over, I will see you tomorrow" Jack said hugging his mother.."be good," Taraji told him. He nodded. Halle waved, taraji nodded. The kids left.
Taraji immediately turned her back on Fantasia.
"is it my fault?" Fantasia asked. That's how Taraji made her feel like it was her fault she got beaten black and blue.

Taraji rolled back to face her.
"I get fired, you don't call. And you don't fix it. It takes me almost dying for you to show up. It ain't your fault Tasia, but I- never mind" Taraji said playing with her fingers. She took a deep breath. "I just- I needed you" she confessed.
"I'm sorry. I thought you needed space, that's my bad, I will do better next time" Fantasia promised.

Taraji nodded and sniffled.
"I've been through some shit huh?" she asked, voice breaking. "and you keep saving me" Taraji added. "don't think about any of that right now. I need you well rested because I'm gonna need a sketch drawn with your help in the morning. I'm gonna kill whoever did this to you"
Taraji blushed. "what?"
"you care about me," she said giggling. She then laughed making Fantasia smile a little "Stupid bitch" Fantasia spat with her voice lowered. Taraji gasped. They smiled at each other.
"thank you,"
Fantasia sighed.
"Taraji I did something tonight. Something you gonna hate me for. But promise not to yell"

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