Boy of my dreams.

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"Come on." Amir said, pulling Dior out of the restaurant, and she followed him.

They hadn't actually been out just the two of them since he had been home.

He was in a nice pair of dress pants and a dress shirt. As for Dior, she put on the dress Amir had been dying to see her in. They really didn't have a special occasion, but after their argument, Amir stressed they needed to go out. As she walked into her blue dress, it seemed to hug her hips and flat stomach.

Dior, as usual, turned heads as she paired it with some heels closing up a few inches between her and Amir, but he still towered over her.

"Yo ass funny." Amir said, not taking her seriously.

Really, he hadn't the last two days.

"How you apologize, I apologize, and you  still actin weird-" He asked.

"Cause -" She said, and he grabbed her chin.

"We people baby. We not perfect, I mean I know ion fuck up often" He said smugly before he continued,  "and yo mean ass apologized. And me unlike you." He said side eyeing her.

"Ion hold grudges." He said and she laughed.

"Amir fuck you." She said and he smiled.

"See, see more like your meanself already." He said and she waved him off.

"I really am sorry." She said he grabbed her and he kissed her.

It was long and deep, it stopped their stroll and a few others who stopped to look at them.

"That was yesterday, well two days ago and this is today. " He said and she nodded.

"But fa real stop callin a nigga a cheater tho." He said and she nodded.

"I-" She started and he stopped her.

"I ain't never think I'd hear yo ass apologizing but now chill out, cause its making me feel uneasy. Iono know this woman." He joked and she likely shoved him.

"Just dont be callin a nigga names, specially a cheater." He smirked and she did the same.

"Also about the party? I didn't know Khalil was going to come." She said and Amir nodded.

"I figured, but his ass kno tho." Amir said and Dior rolled her eyes at his tone.

There was no question Dior had chosen Amir and she would over and over again because her heart and soul matched his.

He grabbed her hand as they made it down the street.

It was easy to see why the two turned heads, the two were a beautiful couple and it was easy to see they were in love.

"Soo, I heard yo ass break that nigga heart." He said with a smile.

"It's sick your happy about it." Dior couldn't help but laugh.

He did the same because the small insecurity he had felt against Khalil had disappeared with what he overheard yesterday.

"Mir?" She said as he swung their hands as they walked.

"What's up?" He asked.

Even after her accusations, he stuck to the plans he had made plans for tonight.

He was sure Dior had felt some kind of way since he was accused of cheating but he was sure of one thing the most, she loved him.

No doubt in his mind about that especially when she looked at him.

"You heard it all?" She asked and he nodded.

"I got your heart, just like you got mines." He said as they continued down the street.

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