A jump, a hop, and a skip..

215 24 2

Act 8.

2 years later...

"Meeka can you close up for me?" Dior asked and she nodded. 

It was another busy day as usual.

Doir didn't want to complain because her shop was making money. 

She had 5 licensed beautificans and 2 well-known make-up artists. Her location was great so customers wasn't an issue. After finally finding reliable workers and hiring Meeka as her manager Dior had to admit business was booming and consistent.

After a year and a half of being up and running she had finally gotten enough funds to open her retail clothing store. 

"Thank you boo." She said and Meeka continued to braid. 

Dior looked at her shop and smiled. 

Amir wasn't there but looking around, there were still traces of him. 

"Yea, yea. Thank me now but once Ahmad tells Amir that Keisha been watchin yo baby-" Meeka said and Dior waved her off. 

It wasn't as if she had a lot of options. 

She didn't trust anyone with Amor really. 

Outside of Areion and his brother Dior kept Amor with her. 

That was usual but the last month they had gotten busy and a hair shop with cords, hot irons, and products was not where she wanted her daughter to spend her day. 

"Girl you on my side or her daddy's?" Dior laughed knowing that Amir knew that Keisha wastched her daughter. 

"Girl go get my God baby and gone somewhere." Meeka laughed her off. 

Dior grabbed her bag from the back and headed for the door. 

Dior had to admit life with Amir didn't seem like a life at all. 

It wasn't as if she was struggling or even hurting for money, it just felt lonely without him.

Right after the birth of their daughter, a cop harassed Amir, he had been harassing him on multiple occasions according to Dior but with Amir's fingerprints found at the scene of a crime, they did whatever they could to lock him up.

First, they tried to get him to confess when that didn't work they threw whatever they could at him. 

That got him a solid year in prison, currently they were passed that. Really each day they were sure he was coming home but always seemed to be changing since they tried to slap him with a new charge every month. 

Between Dior paying for a lawyer and her shop, she was surprised she was actually on her goal mark to open her boutique. 

It was about 20 minutes before she pulled up to Keisha's house. 

She had moved to a good neighborhood and out of her grandmother's in order to start an in-home daycare. 

"Mama!" Amor waved from Keisha's arms as Dior pulled up. 

Dior smiled. 

she was sure her daughter couldn't tell time but knew and was always for her mother to come get her. 

Dior parked and got out of the car waving at her daughter as she approached. 

"This girl is funny." Keisha laughed passing Dior her daughter. 

"What she do now?" Keisha laughed and Amor was already sticking out her hand. 

"What is this?" Dior said giving her a high five. 

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