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Act 1.

Swish , and The crowd cheered as Amir made the winning shot.

Amir tossed his hand up in the air and pointed at his father, and his father did the same back before Amir's team rushed him tossing him in the air.

Freshly 16, Amir's father was still his hero, and anyone who knew him knew that.

Amir was a replica of his father, Arieon's twin, to be exact.

Arieon was literally twice his son's age, but he looked like his big brother at the age of 32. His smooth chocolate skin and muscular frame easily turned heads. He was a handsome man, and Amir knew where he got hit looks from. It didn't help that his perfect smile and 6-foot frame practically made him a target for looks, the same look his son would get and the same one his wife hated.

It was easy to see it was the same for his son as his girlfriend pushed past his 'fans' and planted a kiss on Amir's cheek, marking her territory.

Amir, although his father's twin actually stood two inches taller than his father. Everything about him screamed Arieon except for his lighter skin, which he got from his mother. In some sort of sense, Amir was the perfect combination of the two.

Everyone had always expected to see Amir follow in his father's steps, and Arieon expected much more.

He would be the one to go pro. He would be the one to conquer all the things that hadn't since he had become a teen dad.

"That's. My boy!" Arieon cheered, holding Arielle, and Sierra pumped her fist in the air as she screamed next to him.

Sierra was Amir's mother.

Like his father, she was young. 31 to be exact, and she had just had her second child. That was simply because they had Amir young, and honestly, Sierra couldn't see herself having any more kids, well, until her husband talked her into it. Sierra was 15, and Arieon had been 16 when they had Amir, and when she did, Arieon had promised her the world. Now, after all these years together, it seemed to be true. After all the hard work and support for her man, she had a ring, a house, a family, and the man she loved the most.

Sierra was beautiful. She always had been, and Amir was sure he had got good genes from both sides. Sierra was fully black with Caribbean parents, but she had fair skin and stood at 5'2 with hazel eyes and a petite frame. She wasn't thick, but she was thick in the right places, and as much as Arieon would turn heads, she could do the same.

Looking at her light brown eyes, everyone always assumed she was mixed, but she never let anyone forget that her family came from the islands, and her lighter skin didn't make her 'less' black.

As Sierra stood next to her husband and cheered Arielle, their daughter blew spit bubbles out her mouth.

She was a replica of her mother but with her father's skin smooth dark skin.

Arielle was the little girl they had always dreamt of and with their son heading to college in a few years she was glad they had decided to have another and do it all over again especially with Arieon by her side like he always had been.

"He is so good." Sierra gushed, looking at their son being cheered on by his peers.

"Ugh, I can't believe it. He was just her size!" She said about to pout, and Arieon wrapped her in his free arm.

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