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*** Just a little FYI. Sometimes I know some of my readers get hung up on details. Just like all my stories, this is a fictional story and as I've stated before, my stories are more grandeur. Don't get me wrong, I do have sad aspects or parts in my stories that are relatable but this is all made up and the goal is to entertain and always for a happy ending.

I say that to say this,

Now after looking up a heart transplant patient, people are normally quoted 13 years after a transplant to live. (Which sounds crazy and sad to me) In the means of this story that particular detail is disregarded. Only because this would defeat the purpose of them having a chance at a happy ending, it would be more like a few years of happiness. So please keep that in mind. 

"How can she be so perfect?" Dior said and Amir looked at her holding their daughter. 

It was 7 hours of labor and then came Amor Dashay Burns.

She came out 6 lbs 10 ounces of perfection.

"Man fa real." Amir said and Dior smiled. 

She passed him over Amor and she was sure she couldn't love him anymore than she already had but here she was looking at him holding their daughter and coo at her. 

"You did that." He leaned over kissing her forehead. 

Dior leaned back and watched as Amir rocked Amor in his arms. 

"You pretty as hell and ima have to beat up all yo boyfriends." He said and Dior smirked at him. 

Dior yawned but kept blinking.

"Man, I know yo ass tired. Get some sleep. She goin to be right here when you wake up." He said and she yawned again. 

"Then erryone will be up here. I'm sure Ahmad is already at my pops house." Amir laughed and Dior nodded. 

She blinked a few more times before agreeing and rolling over. 

Amir grabbed his camera and he was actually surprised he was able to catch it all on camera. 

He looked down at their daughter and she was perfect. 

Amir looked at her and saw Dior but also saw his mother and even his father when he did. 

"Amor." He said poking his finger at the palm of her small hand. 

He smiled as she squeezed it. 

Amir was sure that she knew who he was the moment he heard his voice. 

"she so light." Dior yawned once more before rolling to her side. 

Amir smirked, he knew she was tired and he knew she was on the verge of giving up right before their daughter made an appearance. 

"You did so good." He kissed her once more before she nodded and closed her eyes. 

He stood there looking from her to their daughter as he compared them. 

"Just checkin is Miss Carter-" The nurse popped in and Amir immediately corrected her. 

"Mrs. Burns." Amir said and she nodded. 

"She is doin alright?" The nurse walked in and he nodded. 

Dior was honestly to tired to set up again as she found herself tired but sitll not asleep. 

"She is good, she said she was in pain but that was right after she came out. Now, shes just tired." Amir pushed the hair out of her face. 

Dior felt relieved he was handling things. 

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