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Act 3

"What the fuck?" Dior said feeling groggy.

She rolled over in bed in a tank top  and panties.

Dior climbed out of bed as her feet hit the cool floor of her loft.

She couldn't remember what happened last night.

As she looked in the mirror she felt like shit.

Her hair was everywhere and as she looked around she felt like something was off.

Dior grabbed her phone.

"Ahh." She said,  turning down her screen brightness.

Dior heard knocking at her door as she stumbled through her apartment.

"Who is it?" She dryly called out before making it to the peephole.

It was Amir stood looking irritated.

Dior sucked her teeth.

she swung her door open, forgetting she wasn't dressed.

Dior quickly tried shutting the door.

"What-" She started to ask, but he pushed past her and into her place.

"Excuse you." She said, covering herself with her hands.

"You ain't got nothin I ain't seen before." He sucked his teeth, setting a bag down on her kitchen counter.

He looked exhausted as he turned to her.

"Fuck was you on last night Dior?" He asked and Dior looked at him.

"Weed?" She said confused.

"That wasn't no fuckin weed." He said looking at her.

"I uhm. I can't remember last night." She said.

"Man you was trippin, cryin, laughin all types off shit before I dropped yawl off." He said looking her over.

It was like the night of the club except her face wasn't in the sink.

"Yo, as wasn't going to let me leave." He eyed her.

"You need better friends cause fa real if you smoke and act like that." He paused, yawning as he looked at her.

"You fa real don't remember?"He asked, and she shook her head.

Dior stood there, still trying to figure out how she got home and showered.

"Yo high ass was trippin." Amir sai,  taking a seat.

he had made himself at home without even going through her place.

Normally, he would most women he could never really trust, he had even felt that way about his mother.

"Uhm, excuse you." She waved her hands at him, and he grabbed her, pulling her and making her fall into his lap.

"I'm tired. I came here to lecture yo ass cause i fa real think yo homegirl gave you something." He said, and Dior started to wonder if he was right.

" But since you fa real look clueless and im randomly stoppin by, I'm dropping it." He said tossing his head back.

He hadn't been asleep, and he was tired.

"That doesn't mean -" She started to get up, and he held her.

"I kno its last minute, but can we chill. I normally don't wanna talk to anyone, but -" He opened his eyes back up and lifted his head.

"Can we talk?" He asked, and she nodded.

"Amir, when did we become friends?" She said, and he held her.

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