Prove it

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"Wait, what do you mean you got pregnant at 14?" Dior looked at Meeka.

As she looked at her it started to make sense. Certain statements would hurt her. She hated the topic of pregnancy let alone the discussion of kids but she had no real reason or so Dior thought.

"Me and Ahmad were fooling around. He was like my first boyfriend ish, he was a hoe I didn't get that at the time. I mean you remember science camp?" She said and Dior nodded.

"Well it wasn't camp, I had started to show that summer so, I moved with my aunt and uncle and gave birth." She said and Dior's eyes got big.

"Wait, no." She said and Meeka nodded.

Dior sat quiet and Meeka let her as she looked at her face and watched her come to the realization that she was telling the truth.

"I just couldn't do it. Ahmad gave me the money, id, I mean I even had the appointment but when I went in I just couldn't." She said and she started to cry.

"He didn't want a kid and I couldn't raise a baby on my own either so I did what I thought was best." She admitted.

This was something she had hoped she would never have to admit.

"So Ahmad?" Dior looked at her as they both lay in her bed.

"He fuckin hates me. I mean he wanted me to have the abortion so I didn't think I'd run into him again. But we did and things just got messy and complicated and I- I don't know, it's my fault." She sighed.

"Would have been better if I never fucked wit him again." She admitted.

"I feel like a mother but the truth is I know I'm the furthest thing from that." Meeka said and Dior grabbed her hand.

"Damn Meeka." Dior said looking at her with a look of sadness. 

"I mean he's happy, he's loved." Meeka said wiping her face.

Dior wasn't going to fault her.

She was a kid having a baby and she couldn't say if she was in her shoes that she wouldn't have done anything different.

"Now Ahmad wants to know who he's wit. All of a sudden he wants him. He wants to ruin whatever happiness he has." Meeka sighed.

"He doesn't even know." Meeka said as Dior rubbed her back.

"I figured ten, eleven years from now we would have to talk about it but not him threatening to take my family to court. What about him? I mean everything I did was for him to have a better life, was it wrong? Was it for nothin?" Meeka said tossing her head back towards her headboard.

Dior rested her head on her shoulder.

They both knew she wouldn't be able to answer those questions but Dior knew Meek hadn't done it out of spite or hate, it was all coming from a place of pure love. 

They sat in her bed, Meeka was quiet most of the night as she silently cried until she fell asleep. next to Dior.

Dior pushed her hair out her face and tucked her in. 

Dior felt bad that Meeka had gone through all of that alone and not to have told anyone about it this entire time.

She couldn't sleep as she lay next to her in her thoughts. 

It was nearly 1 in the morning when she looked at her phone going off.

Of course, it was Amir.

She was about to set her phone down but saw he messaged her.

I'm here, open the door.

She sucked her teeth and rolled over knowing that if she didn't answer he would likely start knocking and keep it up until she did.

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