Fall into place.

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Dior looked over at the 15 stacks and sighed.

"He so fuckin arrogant." She said.

Amir was pulling a Dior and he was now ignoring her.

She wasn't sure if it was because she refused his money or because of their incident the other day after she left Meeka's place.

Dior actually liked Amir and even with them getting close he constantly reminded her of the obvious.

The thing was he knew it and that's why he did it.

Dior stuck her lip out mad at the fact she was being ignored.

As she scrolled through Facebook she saw Khalil's page pop up and pictured of an ultrasound he was tagged in.

Since their breakup, he had gone silent on social media, likely because he thought they would be back together by now.

As she looked at his page there were no posts just tags, mostly from the same person, his baby momma.

She read the post she had tagged Khalil in and  Dior blocked him and let out a sigh.

It was a new day and that was an old relationship.

Even with Khalil on the forefront all Dior could think about was Amir.

She said she wasn't going to but she called Amir, once more and he didn't answer.

"Fine." She tossed her phone on the bed.

She looked over as the sun beamed down on her.

"You don't like. him like that Dior it's jus the sex." She huffed.

Dior fumbled her fingers.

"But he is fine." She fell back onto the bed.

Dior let out a sigh.

"He's an asshole, but he's nice." She said turning her head.

"The sexxx." She practically moaned talking to herself.

"And he's funny.-Dior get ahold of yourself." She sighed.

Dior turned to the sound of a beep coming from her phone.

"The Message has reached maximum length." Dior looked at her phone realizing it was leaving a voicemail.

The moment she tried to press a button the call ended and her stomach dropped.

Rationally at that moment she panicked and blocked Amir as she sat up in bed.

"Now I have to go out. Book a room for a week." She said going to her closet and hurriedly packing.

That was before she glanced over at the stacks and smiled.

A devious smile spread across her face and Dior instead grabbed over half the money and her purse as she walked out.

Dior put the rest up in a penny bank and headed after locking her door.

Dior was considering today a free day.

Really she had been looking into art schools, design programs, and anything that she could actually get in her field.

Although she was knowledgeable she was still considered a newbie and with no work behind her she was basically a freshman.

This was something she had yet to accept as she told herself she didnt want to start over, she just wanted to start off.

Dior got herself and Uber and made her way downtown.

As she did her eyes scanned the city.

It didnt take her long until she pulled up to a Hotel and smiled.

Whispers of Fate (COMPLETED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن