Whats mine is mine

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"Jus fuckin tell me." Ahmad said for the 20th time as he lay on Amir's new couch.

"Nigga do it fuckin matter?" Amir said and Ahmad sat up with a serious look.

"Aye fam I love you but don't talk to me like I'm one of these niggas." He said in a serious tone as he brushed off his Tommy Hilfiger shirt.

"I already knew you fucked her. It wasn't at the club, fa show. You've known her for a while, since high school. So it was-" He snapped his fingers sitting up.

"Oh shit you cheated-" He started and Amir cut him off.

"I never cheated on Zoey." He said clearing the air and Ahmad stared at him.

"Well, fuck all that, It must be the whole two-baby momma thing holding you back?" He said and Amir sucked his teeth.

"Nigga you do realize I got more baggage than that." Amir said and Ahmad laughed.

"Yo ass been fuckin her tho." Ahmad said matter of fact like he actually knew.

Ahmad was sure he was piecing these things together all on his own.

"Ahmad get yo ass off my couch." Amir said laughed grabbing the camera and Ahmad stood up.

The couch was still wrapped in plastic since it hadn't been moved yet.

Amir looked over to the camera that still was sitting on the shelf, not even packed. 

He walked over grabbing it, it was one thing he refused to leave behind.

Amir put it in a box marked, old family stuff.

"I knew a bitch picked out this furniture 'cause ain't no way a nigga did all this on his own." He said standing up.

"Are you comin to help pack or na?" Amir said and Ahmad smirked.

He was sure he had been right all along.

"Well, you know Khalil ass goin to kill you." Ahmad continued.

Ahmad knew Khalil well and one thing he knew for sure, that if anything else he was in love with Dior.

"You think I give a fuck about this nigga?" Amir said and Ahmad held his side laughing harder.

"Wait, wait you saved her ex? City boys down 1000." Ahmad said and Amir didn't find any humor in it at all.

"Ain't that nigga yo friend?" He said and Ahmad stopped laughing.

"First off don't use a TikTok to insult me." He said and Amir waved him off.

"He is my nigga fa show. Yawl goin to have to figure shit out. Cause like I said he's my homie been that way for a while but I know he finna be sick." He said chuckling and looking at Amir.

"Me and Dior jus coo." He said and he looked down at his phone.

She had called him again and he still hadn't answered.

"Coo like that?" Ahmad asked and Amir turned his phone over.

"What's up cuz? I mean you been actin off. Whatever this shit is we need to address. You can't be out here in yo feelins. Takin bullets for niggas or bitches." He said looking at Amir.

"If you fuck wit her, fuck wit her. I know a nigga givin you shit and jokin but Khalil moved on, shit he gotta baby on tha way." He said and Amir looked at him.

That was news to him. 

"Prolly why they broke up. I mean you act like you ain't gotta chance wit her and you already fuckin her. Like you a lame, we related you can't be acting like a simp. " He said and Amir shot him a look.

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