Dior, dior, dior.

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Amir looked over at Dior who was naked lying on her bed with her face buried in the pillows.

If he didn't have to leave he would have woke her up for another round.

He quietly climbed out of her bed and looked down at his phone.

He had less than 45 minutes to make it to Ten's 5-month check-up.

Amir grabbed his clothes and made his way out to the living room putting on his shoes and grabbing his keys.

He looked over at the money on the counter.

He had brought it for her so she could stay on her feet but she told him to keep it even though he bought to her for a reason, he wanted her to have it.

Amir had all intentions of telling her about him getting his GED but he was so caught up with her and what she had going on that he had forgotten.

Of course, he had stopped by her job trying to reach her and when he found out she was fired he figured she might need some help or at the bare minimum to be cheered up.

He knew Dior would never ask for anything and even when he offered she refused so he figured he would leave the money and she would have to figure out what she was going to do with it.

Amir washed his face and used some mouthwash before he headed for the door.

He locked her bottom lock and headed for the doctor's office.

Honestly, he didn't know where he and Dior stood but they were more than friends.

The entire way driving he tried to not think about Dior and found himself thinking about her anyway.

He felt like a high schooler and he didn't know why but he wanted to wrap up this appointment and go back to her place.

He chuckled.

He could tell Dior was having a hard time the thing was he didn't get why.

He was all smiles but it was short-lived.

Amir sighed realizing the obvious, two baby mommas and he sold dope.

As he sat in his thoughts he couldn't help but think, she was out of his league.

Amir who was just all smiles pulled up to the doctor's office and Ten was outside waiting.

She was glowing.

Honestly, he could only imagine how their son would look.

As he looked at her smiling he realized he wouldn't mind their son looking like her not at all.

Her smile made him do the same in return.

"Hey, Amir." She hugged him.

He hugged her back.

"You look good." He said and she nodded.

"Now you know I always do." She said and he laughed.

"Man, my son gettin big ain't he?" He said rubbing her stomach

"And lookin' like me less and less everytime we come here." She said and he laughed.

"Man chill."He said and she rolled her eyes.

"I'm gettin tha 3d one and a lil glass print this time." She said skipping towards the door.

All eyes were on them as they entered.

Amir was sure it was the fact he was bringing two different women to the same office.

"Dont no nobody care bout they lil stares Amir were adults and you a father. At least yo other baby momma got a lil money to come to this office." Ten said and he chuckled.

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