31. I wanna be an empress

Comenzar desde el principio

"I feel like I'm alone... All alone in this world. Everyone's happy except me."

"No, that's not right." Zadhea firmly shook her head, denying his words. "You aren't the only one who feels that way."

Her eyes became red. "I feel the same, Dewinn. I'm sorry for not believing you. Don't worry, I won't say that again."

Dewinn's eyes lit up as an innocent smile spread on his lips. "Really? You trust me?"

Zadhea felt happy when she saw his beautiful smile. He was such a sweet boy.

She nodded slowly, her eyes carried a smile as well.

"Then, then let me show you something."

Zadhea frowned curiously. "What is it?"

"You said you don't think of me as a wizard. Lemme prove that you are wrong." His voice sounded firm.

"No. Don't. I believe you from now on. Plus, how do you know my whereabouts when you aren't a wizard? That alone proves that you are a magician."

Dewinn blinked before lowering his eyes. "Actually I... I asked Fresco, my raven to follow you. That's how I got your whereabouts."

"Oh, that giant crow is yours? It scared me to death you know."

"Mmm. Sorry, Zadhie."

"It's fine." Zadhea just shrugged her shoulders. "By the way, I'm a little curious about what you are gonna show me. If you don't mind... You can show me your magic tricks. But don't think I don't believe you."

"Okay, okay. I won't." Dewinn chuckled softly, emitting the brightness of the youth. "It's my honour to do that for you, princess."

"Zadie you mean..."

"Yeah, Zadhie." He gave her a deep look.

The next second, he turned into a different person as he made a black glittering ball using his hands and shooting the ball towards the sky.

As a result, the entire place turned dark like it was the middle of the night.

Zadhea couldn't see anything. She was a bit scared because she felt like she suddenly became blind. It was too dark and scary.

"What are you doing?" She whispered in a low, shaking voice.

Instead of answering, Dewinn asked, "What's your favourite flower?"

Zadhea rendered speechless for a few seconds.

Favourite flower... It reminded her of the cake made by Heidith himself. It was a difficult task for him to find a Nucifera. A cruel smirk formed in Zadhea's lips.

'Dear prince, the flower you worked hard to find, lemme show you how I get it with a click of my fingers.'

She kinda hated her fiancé. Because of him, her mother limited her freedom.

It would be great if there wasn't a male lead in this book world in the first place. It would be even better if the main protagonists had a tragic end despite everything.

She disliked prince Heidith. He shouldn't have born. She should have killed him the moment she saw him for the first time as a kid.

The fate was truly sarcastic. She was also a helpless weakling at that time.

As for that white lotus woman who was the good-for-nothing female lead, Zadhea should have killed her too.

But wait... Why was she thinking such things right now? It wasn't definitely the right time to decide anything.

The main roles didn't fall in love with eachother yet, at last.

But indeed, their love had nothing to do with her.

"A Nelumbo nucifera." Zadhea answered.



Lots of red and white lotuses rose above the ground emitting bright red and white rays like small LED lights. Soon, the darkness flew away as a beautiful yet unbelievable scenery unfolded before the girl.

Zadhea couldn't even blink her eyes because she became too surprised that she felt like she froze like an ice statue.

The brightness spread even further because a full moon surrounded by tiny, twinkling stars lit up the sky. Beneath the moon, the lotus flowers swayed beautifully as if they were smiling happily.

Butterflies and bees went from one flower to another, adding smooth music that was pleasant to hear.

"That means Nuciferas are actually... Lotuses?" Zadhea was dumbfounded. Just normal water flowers that could be seen everywhere? What was the author thinking?

She had seen different looking flowers introduced to her as Nuciferas. That meant... Someone fooled her back then? The heck! Why didn't she investigate it further? Shit!

"No." Dewinn shook his head. "They are not normal lotuses. They are special."


"Trust me, they are different."

Zadhea shook her shoulders. "If you say so." Her words were half-hearted.

Dewinn could only sigh helplessly.

Zadhea touched the flowers and watched the various kinds of butterflies fluttering their beautiful wings, greeting one flower after another.

"So beautiful."

Her mind was at peace.

Dewinn smiled when he witnessed how happy she looked. She was even more beautiful when she was so energetic and enthusiastic like that.

"I want a waterfall," She suggested out of nowhere.

Her second wish was also granted.

Sound of water flowing rhythmically filled the atmosphere instantly. Zadhea ran towards the waterfall and touched the water. It was cool and refreshing. She drank a sip and praised, "Delicious."

Dewinn didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

'Water... Delicious?'

Again, Zadhea turned to him and said, "I have two more wishes."

"Yes?" Dewinn was more than happy.

Her tone became serious as Zadhea stated in a solemn voice, "Make me an empress."

Oof, where are my cute readers??? (⁠;⁠;⁠;⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠)

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