Chapter 1: Replace the bride

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Ivanna's POV

I will miss Texas, memories I have made here over the past few years. It's my last day in this wonderful state with amazing people everywhere. Life won't be the same as before anymore after  I move to my old city again. Even though I miss my family, Texas feels like home because of the freedom and amazing friends everywhere.

"We just graduated yesterday and you are moving out today." Emily frowns at me when we are exploring the busiest marketplace of Texas.

"You know the reason." I say , carrying the big bags stuffed with gifts and chocolates for my family.

" Your sister's wedding ? I know, you can just visit and come back again. We will have more time to celebrate before you eventually move out."  Anger is   visib in her voice as she squints her brown eyes at me.
I purse my lips into a forced sile and get back to the s again.
" I have spent a long three years in Texas, Em. And I don't know why I'm feeling like If I leave , I will not be able to come back anytime soon."

"Why si? You're really superstitious sometimes." She rolled her eyes. "But trust me, I think you're gonna rush back here. You can't live there, Ivanna you know it.

I only pass a smile.

She is indeed true. I still remember the day when I left Dallas and came here to Texas, depressed and shattered,lost somewhere away from the track but I don't blame my family for it.

I don't have a normal family. Still, it was not as bad as fiction. My father got married to my stepmother when I was ten and they already had a nine year old girl. It didn't take me much time to realise that my father already cheated on my mother king before her death. Her death was a good chance for him to marry his old lover. I never asked questions from him since I hardly faced any problem with his new wife.

She was okay. But she was not my mother. She was the reason why my mother got cheated on and that poor women could never know that she has been cheated in. She passed away without knowing it. I could digest the truth.

I still have hard and bigger feelings for my father. I lost faith in love and relationships. Whenever I saw my dad and Janice laughing together, staying happy and having a beautiful family, I remembered the unsaid sorrows of my dead mother.

It was not their fault, but what to do? I'm a daughter after all. As a result, I found it better to leave the house at the age of eighteen and look for my own happiness. Texas and its people kicked me to improve myself, get over the tragic death of the mother ,forgive my father and stepmother and especially be happy.

Emily follows me as I pay the bill and load the backseat of my car with all the stuff.

As I take the driving seat, Emily sits beside me and slams the door in full force, her face turning red and skin wrinkling.

I laugh " you're not gonna let me go are you?"

"Go, please" she scoffs.

"Okay. I'm leaving. But not tonight. I don't mind having a party night with my fellows," I giggle as she widens her eyes and gets back to grumpy mode again.

"You could have said something better but at least you said something a bit better. I'll inform everyone tonight." She looks happier than before which I want.

I don't want to leave any of my friends'angry behind. They deserve a cheerful night before my departure. I drive back to my apartment, half an hour away and drop Emily at her home.

As I stop near my apartment, the janitor rushes to help me with the stuff and we move to my floor.

I look at the name plate hanging in my door and take it off with a smile. "Ivanna Rozario". This one should be in my luggage now.

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