38.✨ The Past Truth✨

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||Two Days Later||
||Taehyung's POV||

Taehyung: "Make him sit before me"

I ordered placing myself on a chair in the center of the room waiting for the most awaited guest of the decade. Jungkook made Mr. Kang sit in front of me, who seems to be helpless having no energy to look at me,

Taehyung: "had a wonderful day?"

I asked smiling at his death state. It was years since I dreamed to have him in front of me, Now he is in my hands for the past two weeks.

Mr. Kang: "Why are you doing this?" He asked breathing heavily while his knees failed to stand with whole day standing continuously,

Taehyung: "what do you think?"

Mr. Kang: "For hurting your Y/n?"

I laughed shaking my head at his guess, Placing the chair close to him, I placed the knife at his lap,

Taehyung: "you are a genius but not enough to read my mind"

With that I cut his thigh deep with the knife with a happy smile hearing his painful roar erupting the whole building,

Mr. Kang : "you bastad, leave me, I will give all my properties" I blinked my eyes taking the knife back,

Taehyung: "believe me Mr. Kang, her life was much more valuable than the money and this is not only for her"

I plug the knife on his another thigh hearing his scream & painful cries,

Taehyung: "This is for those whose life was ruined because of your greed,

Taehyung: Mrs. Hana had told me everything but still I want to hear from your mouth. Tell me WHY??? WHY DID YOU KILL YOUR OWN BROTHER? WHY DID YOU KILL MY MOM

I took it out and started to stab his continuously pouring my all anger into his lap, down to his legs, arms everywhere,

I don't care for my merciless way but he deserves all this pain, also for trying to hurt my Y/n. I poured a bucket of water over his face as he cried in pain.

Mr. Kang: "I.. I ca... can't plea... ple... please sto.. stop..

Taehyung: "I have no mercy, I have no wetness in my heart it's only filled with anger and you being the scapegoat tolerate all these Let's talk to keep you engaged"

Taehyung: Tell me, WHY DID YOU KILL THEM?"

Mr. Kang: "Neither did I know your mom nor did I kill my brother. It was your father who killed them " he finished after a great sigh.

Taehyung: "Lie, He didn't kill them " I placed the knife on his stomach scratching slightly over his stomach

Taehyung: "would you like to know how deep this one could get?"

His eyes widened when I applied little force into his stomach through the knife.

Mr. Kang: "No.. no... please....I will tell I will..."

Taehyung: Speak... I said Keeping the knife away,

Mr. Kang: "Our father always loved hyun more than me. He was his eldest and hardworking son And I was a worthless, unwanted son in his eyes He always gave my right to him And that's what he did when he made him CEO of The Kang Company. I was jealous of hyun but after that the jealousy turned into hatred. I hated him so much that I made a deal with your father to destroy him According to that deal, I have to give your father twenty-five percent of the shares of the Kang company. We got y/n kidnapped, so we could blackmailed hyun.

But your mom found out about our plan She threatened us that she would tell everything to Kang hyun that I am behind all this.

I clutched my hands,

Taehyung: "So that's why you killed her."
I put the knife on the nearby fire pit.

Mr. Kang: "Yes, We were very close to our victory but your mother ruined all our plans. She saved them., I had to kill my brother and your mom. Because when Hana left, I had to come infront of them to save your father." He answered breathing heavily till now there was no regret on his eyes or words,

Mr. Kang: "your father wanted to kill hana too so he messaged her and told her to come alone over a cliff or else he would kill Hyun when she reached there she saw me killing hyun and your mom. I tried to kill Hana too, almost killed her but you reached there on time and saved her. because of which me and your father had to run away.

But on the way his car met with an accident in which he died. I nodded and took the knife from the fire and placed it directly near his face,

Mr. Kang " Believe me I didn't kill your father" He retorted quickly with fear floating in his eyes as he placed his eyes on the now reddish knife.

Taehyung: "I don't care who killed him, But you dug your own grave by killing my mom

I placed the hot knife on his cheek which by heat got easily into his skin deep along with my slight pressure as he again cried in pain,

Mr. Kang: I didn't want to kill her but she was getting in my way. And hana also came to know about my plan"

He tried to push my hand away resulting to increase my force strong on his cheek,

Mr. Kang: "Stop it..." He said with much difficulty.

Taehyung: "No one was there when I reached, how do you know I saved her" I removed my hand from him sitting back on the chair, I asked casually burying my anger inside,

Mr. Kang: " I parked my car a little far away from the site. I saw you taking hana to the hospital but you didn't see me. I sent my man to kill hana behind you in the hospital too but because of her good luck again you saved her. And then don't know where you hid her. I searched for her for many days, but I couldn't find her.

Mr. Kang: After nine years, when I met you again, I again sent my men to spy on you. But getting information about your personal life was not that easy. That's why I got Y/n married to you so that She can give me information about you. And that girl spied on you to find out about her mom

Mr. Kang: "Finally one day I found her And that day was Y/n's birthday"

I was breathing heavily in anger. once again I placed the hot knife on his stomach scratching it multiple times as the blood oozed out like a river, few seconds of crying then he blacked out,

Taehyung: "Jungkook this bastard should not die before one year, Torture him and as well as those bitches everyday and make them in such condition that they begs us for their death everyday, but they don't get it. every moment they regret why they are still alive. And never show me their faces after today even if they die.I said and he nodded..

Taehyung: I want to talk to you. Come with me... we both came outside the room..


Sorry for any grammar mistake....




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