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Taehyung proved innocent in the court

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Taehyung proved innocent in the court. The case is finally over. Jungkook has submitted all the necessary evidences to the court. Taehyung came out of the court with a hard and stoic face. The reporters was clicking his photos but he didn't spare a single glance at them and keep walking.

Suddenly he stops and looks at the girl standing in front of him whose eyes was looking at him with tears in her eyes.

||Taehyung's pov||

Taehyung : "Y/n!" I whispered her name not knowing what to say. Her beautiful eyes were fixed on me making me lost in them. Tears were rolling down on her cheeks.

Y/n: Taehyung...

She called me and I came to my senses. I remembered, what She did..

How can she? Someone blackmailed her that if she want to save me then she has to go away from me ?and she agreed. She should fight for me, for our relation, for our marriage.

But She decided to leave me?? So easily??

Taehyung: Not now Y/n..
I said sternly grabbing her hand not hard but enough to make her silent.

Taehyung: " Jungkook give me the car keys"

I said looking at her. Jungkook gave me the car keys and I took keys, I tightened my grip on drag her with me. we both sat in car and I drove out.

||Yn's pov||

He was all quite and I was scared on my place. He was silent. Neither looking at me nor talking to me. I could sense his anger, his offence in his silence. Taking courage, I turned to him and thought to call him.

Y/n: "Taehyung." I called him, hoping he will look at me at least if he didn't want to talk, But he didn't turn neither said something.

My fingers tangled with each other in anxiety and again took the courage to call him.

Y/n: "Taehyung please listen to me. Try to understand me. Please look at me." I was saying but he didn't answer.

I saw his hold tightened on the steering wheel and jaw clenched in anger making me more scared of his anger but I didn't lost the hope, him talking to me and tried to call him again.

Y/n: "Taehyung. Please listen to me. I was...'"

I just started but he turned to me with anger in his eyes..

Taehyung: "SHUT UP JUST SHUT UP Y/N NOT A WORD NOW" He almost yelled making the tears to brimmed up in my eyes. His eyes was red and I could see his eyes slight wet. Looking at me once again, he turned to see the road while car started to run more fast.

I was crying silently and looking at him time to time who had made me completely shut. He was fully angered because I broke his heart. I was feeling guilty on hurting him this much.As I looked at him again to say something with much courage but I witnessed a small tear slipped from his eyes. My eyes widened and I felt myself hurt as saw tears in his eyes.

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