Chapter 51: Heartache

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51 - Heartache


You were leaning the back of your head against the elevator wall, arms crossed, ready to go to bed. Ready to forget today... it was wishful thinking and you were aware of that, of course when the doors opened he would be there. Waiting. Sitting outside your door like a lost puppy. It was infuriating how much it hurt to just look at him.

His head shot up with an eager look covering his face only for his eyes to widen as if he wasn't sure he was seeing something correctly. Katsuki brought himself to his feet in the blink of an eye, his long strides making it easy for him to appear before you.


"I really don't want to talk to you right now." You pinched the bridge of your nose. "I thought that that was clear."

"I don't care, we need to talk." He pressed. "What happened earlier-"

"What DID happen? Did I not make it clear when I said 'Don't go to Shoto?'. Was I speaking in Russain? What the fuck?" You were trying to contain your anger but, you were hurt, and looking at him and his sad face only made that hurt worsen. You knew he was upset about the situation but, you knew that he couldn't possibly be feeling the same hurt as you...

"I couldn't do it. Okay? I couldn't lay next to you and be just okay with the person who did this to you just... be out there." You pushed past him on the way to your door, his hand wrapped around your bicep pulling you back. "You're hardly being fair."

Your eyes shifted to his hero glove wrapped around your arm, his heat amplifying yours, energy pulsing through your arm forcing an explosion. He dropped his grip immediately.

"Don't touch me with your fucking gloves again." You bit, gritting your teeth at the burn hole in one of your most expensive blouses. "Actually, just don't fucking touch me." Shaking your head you fumbled with your keys, your hands shaking with anger as you tried and failed to find the right one in a normal amount of time. "FUCKING SERIOUSLY!" you cried out, throwing your keys to the floor and letting your purse and shoes fall with them. You turned back to Katsuki. "I asked you one fucking thing... you fucking promised, were you lying when you said you wouldn't go?"

Katsuki looked both mad and sad at the same time. His hands were smoking, his jaw clenched.

"Yeah, I was." Your face dropped. It felt as if he knocked the wind out of you. His statement, nonchalant, like it wasn't a big deal. "but, you were lying about a lot of things too, Nova. You're hardly in the right here!" Katsuki took a few steps forward, his hands stretched out as if he was going to pull you in... That's what you wanted...You wanted to cry but, you wanted to cry to him... He made you feel the best... but he was the reason you were feeling like this anyway... He was the reason your heart was broken...

"You know... " You scoffed, bending down to pick your keys back up... It was stupid to drop them on the ground, you didn't want to fight... you didn't want to argue... "After everything that happened to me, with my mom, with Shoto... I was never planning on trusting anyone on an intimate level ever again." You looked back at him. "Do you... understand that? I wasn't going to let myself fall in love or trust anyone ever again after what happened. I chose to trust you. To let myself love you. I told myself I wouldn't regret it...because YOU told me I should, You said that I would get more than what I've had in the past, that I deserve more..." You scoffed, fully aware that Katsuki was moving closer and closer, so close that you could feel his heat radiating off of him. So close you could touch him if you took a deep enough breath. The painful lump that had been in your throat since you laid eyes on him finally cracked. "I trusted you when I wasn't going to trust anyone ever again and I asked you not do ONE thing... and you couldn't even let me get through a fucking nap before you did it..." Tears sprinkled to the floor, your hair falling between you, forming a wall.

"Yeah, well I trusted you too." he spoke quietly. "and you left out SO much! You're talking about trust Nova, but you aren't being trustworthy. How are you going to preach that I'm being untrustworthy when you haven't even told me everything about your sketchy past?"

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