Chapter 23

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"You'll lose control with someone else, Nova. Face it, you belong to me and nobody else."

You were barely present as you walked home quietly, a blush permanently stuck to your face, your eyes half lidded. You were zipping with energy. Static buzzed between your fingers, spreading to Kaminari who was equally as quiet. His eyes were set forward, breaking only to look at your hand sparking beside his.

Katsuki had his hands in his pockets, walking on your other side, his elbow just close enough constantly brush into you, reminding you he was there and you weren't sure if he was doing it for your sake or his. Either way you didn't need it. The energy that radiated off of him when he was flustered was enough to power your whole suit. You were drawn to this warmth...Static and electric was exciting but with the zaps came the anticipation between those zaps and too much of that felt like anxiety.

Everything around you felt amplified, the steps of everyones shoes hitting tbe pavement, the cold of the air, the energy particles your quirk was so greedily absorbing but, what was worse was that even though you were very aware of the goosebumps on your arms, you were so in your head that hardly any of this actually registered.. you felt.. vulnerable...

What if things went wrong? What if you messed up? What if you offended someone and ruined your friendship and caused a rift between friends amd youre the cause for a whole friend group and hero clique to fall apart...

You stopped.

All around everything felt like it was spinning. Katsuki stopped beside you only further embedding the one clear thought in your head, as to the difference between how you felt towards Kaminari and how you felt towards Katsuki...

You wanted to fuck Kaminari. More for the curiosity, than because you "wanted" him, you could live without the experience if it cost you any friendships... that felt playful and fun...


You wanted to be with Katsuki. You wanted to lay with him into the next morning and make pancakes when you woke up.... then you wanted to fuck him in the kitchen while you waited for breakfast to cool. Wanting him felt dangerous... you just got out of a relationship. A long... relationship... he felt safe but giving into that safety felt scary...

Katsuki waved everyone forward, Mina and Jirou both hesitating but ultimately backing off when Kaminari pushed them along forcing them further into the apartment lobby and into the elevator to return to their respective floors.

"You look panicked." Katsuki never ceased to amaze you with his bluntness. "What happened?" His tone became a hush as he brought his knuckles to your flushed cheeks. He didn't give you any time to form words before he bent down the few inches to bring his eyes directly to your level. "You don't have to feel obligated to do anything you dont want to do tonight." His tone was so clear and serious. The clarity of his voice cut through your haze.

Your eyes widened just barely as you opened your mouth to speak... nothing came out. A knot formed in your throat. The realization that you had never felt so much respect from anyone... from Shoto...

"I- I don't want to mess anything up." It took a moment to speak and when you did, you were so quiet you saw jim lean in just a little.. You didn't mean to say that but it came out regardless, and once it was out you couldn't stop it. "I like you but not in the same way I like him... and I don't-" you cleared your throat refusing to become a sad drunk girl who needs babysitting and failing miserably. "I don't-"

"Hey,.. dumbass." He scoffed with a small smirk. His abdomen pressed into yours, strong hand pulling you closer. "You can't mess up, you're in charge. Maybe not in charge, but you dictate how far things go." His voice was so sweet. Husky from years of yelling but soft at the same time. This man...

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