Chapter 14: Cold Rush

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Heat 14

The door slams when Katsuki enters, he tosses his keys on the table but they slide across the smooth marble and clatter to the floor.

Katsuki rolled his eyes as he entered his kitchen, setting down a bag from the pharmacy and digging out a pack of batteries for his hearing aids. He mumbles to himself as he enters his bathroom and grabs his hearing aids.

He stares at himself in the mirror as sound clicks on. For the most part everything was quiet. Everything but the soft sound of water hitting the tile in your bathroom.

“I thought she’d be done by now.” He muttered to himself, stepping away from the small room.

Katsuki wandered around his apartment, grabbed a bottle of water and twisted the cap off. He lifts the cool bottle to his mouth and freezes…


There’s no way there’s any hot water left…

He sets his bottle on the counter and steps quickly into the hallway. Nobody was home. He knew this, he knew everyone’s schedule for the most part, but that didn’t matter.

Katsuki knocks on your door.


“Nova, Open up.”


He grips your doorknob and turns it unsuccessfully.

“Fuck.” He breathes, panic setting in. He hurries back to his apartment and reaches for his keys oly to remember they were on the floor.

Heavy footsteps tap against the floor as he rushes back to your apartment, picking your key out of his set of acquired keys. House and Work… and yours…

He is quick to unlock the door. Nothing. No sound was detected throughout the apartment aside from your shower sprinkling in the bathroom.

“Nova?” He calls hesitantly. “You here Hotshot?”


Katsuki's heart pounds in his ears as he approaches your bathroom door.

“Nova?” He calls again, opening the door and peering inside.

He could feel the cool humidity in the room, a few locks of hair laying on the floor in the shower, seen through the smallest crack in the shower door.

“Fuck! Nova!” He exclaims, sliding the door open. He tries not to look, but he can see your form. He turns the water off,, his shirt getting soaked in the freezing cold water in the process.

“Hey! Hotshot, get up.” He demands, sinking to his knees landing in cold puddles on the floor. He hesitantly touches your shoulder. You were keeled over in a fetal position, extremely naked.

Katsuki grits his teeth, now is not the time for wandering thoughts. He kept reminding himself.

You let out a whimper when his hands touch you, they were so warm it was painful. Painful enough that your eyes shoot open.

You stare in horror as Katsuki leans over you.

“Hey. Can you hear me?” he asks. You looked damn near catatonic. “Nova??” He calls again.

“I- I need heat.” You manage, your voice hoarse.

“Duh.” he bites, pulling a towel over you. “I’m going to pick you up now.” He informs, wrapping you in the towel.

Heat (Katsuki Bakugo × Fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now