Chapter 27

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I completely disassociated this weekend and didn't realize I hadn't updated Wattpad so I will update with a few chapters rather than the one.

"For fucks sake." Katsuki hissed pulling out and setting you down, your legs wobbly from the bending and stretching, the most inner muscles of your legs were so sore they trembled when Katsuki let go of your weight. A groan slipped past your lips, your legs too sore to stand. 

An electrical surge had pulsed through the building switching off, what you assumed, the whole floors power. Steam sizzled off of your shoulders and thighs, bright yellow and orange marks tracking over your skin in handprints and lightning webs. 

"I'll go fix it.." Katsuki sighed. "Just don't make a fucking mess." You could hear the annoyance in his voice. The night was over. The shock had kick started your system, pulling you out of the daze you had been sucked up in. The door slammed shut. 

Now you hurt, everywhere. You had absorbed so much heat that your skin had started to blister from the repetive assault on your energy receptors. You were going to be in pain for the next few hours... no regrets. 

"I should probably get going too." Kaminari cleared his throat. You couldn't see him but you could hear the buckle of his belt shift on the floor followed by shuffling pantlegs and a heavy thud at your feet. "This was fun, we should do it again." Kaminari cleared bus throat. "Unless you're with Bakugo." His voice dropped to a whisper. "In that case, sorry bros before... um well girl bros?" 

"Could've said it better but the principle is respectable Denki." You chuckled tapping his cheek with a small tap.

"Hey, um. I'm not sure what happen with you and Todoroki and I don't know what's going on with Bakugo but, this." He paused. "This. Didn't change us. You can always talk to me about anything, and I'm not afraid to take either of those bitches down." 

A smile pulled at your lips. "Thank you, Denki. Same goes for you, I'm here for you too...I had fun, we should, maybe consider doing it again, depending on... things?" You awkwardly rambled, unsure of how to have this conversation. 

The room was silent for a minute. You could hear the footsteps of the pro crossing the room, stopping infront of you. You barely registered what was happening when Kaminari pressed his lips to yours. 

His smirk could be felt through the kiss. 

"Just so you know exactly what the fuck is up." He moved over you, pushing you on your back. "I had to be careful earlier because Bakugo isn't immune like you." Electricity cracked in your ear as the static in the air grew thick, your hair standing on edge, goosebumps protruding along your skin, your nipples hardening. Kaminari smirked as his own hair filled with static, lifting into the air, the thin blond strands catching the moonlight as his lips pressed to the side of your neck. "It's not very often I can go all out with someone, I really would like the chance to take you out with just us." Your leg fell to the side, his finger massaging over your sensitive clit, static building againsy the bundle of nerves. 

A soft sigh escaped, your back arching ever so slightly. All signs Kaminari seemed pleased with. He dipped two fingers inside of you pressing his thumb against your clit still maintaining the electrical current. Your breath hitched as he curled his fingers against that sensitive sweet spot, small pulses of electricity building in shocking waves. 

"I know your fingers get tingly when I do this just barely so I've honestly been wanting to try this out." 

"Try wha-" the room filled with a bright series of flashes as electricity clung to the air. A blinding pleasure snapped deep inside you. "Ahh." 

Heat (Katsuki Bakugo × Fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now